Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Image Making Power of your mind

Use the image making power of your mind to go deeper and deeper into the awareness of the visions that you are making yourself a part of. This image making power is the fluid lens of creation itself focusing upon the particular view that you are placing your attention upon. Once you set your attention upon a thing seek to deepen your relationship within this attention. Penetrate into the heart of the thing. Dominate this thing by circumscribing it with your innate focus. Keep returning to you focus not by squeezing your attention but by allowing it to expand in its depth. There is feeling associated with this penetration which is a continuing expansion. It grows within and builds along the lines of your awareness.

The Image Making Power of your mind

Use the image making power of your mind to go deeper and deeper into the awareness of the visions that you are making yourself a part of. This image making power is the fluid lens of creation itself focusing upon the particular view that you are placing your attention upon. Once you set your attention upon a thing seek to deepen your relationship within this attention. Penetrate into the heart of the thing. Dominate this thing by circumscribing it with your innate focus. Keep returning to you focus not by squeezing your attention but by allowing it to expand in its depth. There is feeling associated with this penetration which is a continuing expansion. It grows within and builds along the lines of your awareness.

Monday, November 29, 2004

A Voice full of healing

When I hear the story of your illness and your search for answers without I would like to offer a way within. An exercise perhaps in imagery. It may not mean anything to you. But each time you mention your illness this answer comes forth within my mind. I care nothing about your illness and honestly do not believe in it. I do believe in you and the incredible journey you have taken and are about to undergo. Let me show you a door here. It leads to peace and harmony. I've taken this door when I was once left for dead so I speak from the ultimate experience. Amaze yourself because frankly this is what we are here to do. Listen.

Let's use the sun for example. I will ask you to visualize this same sun inside of yourself radiating outward, its heat and healing rays affected by only one thing. That one thing is your attention and ability to fix the volatile (your mind is the volatile, the raging thoughts, the fear thoughts, the thoughts placed inside of you by others) Yes hold still for the focused thought of healing, your own healing complete in every way. At some point while you are reading this you will have a rush of feeling, of warmth which rises in recognition of truth. It is your inner spirit responding to your imagination. We must find this stone within you so that you can carry it with you always once you discover it for sure. This stone is your conviction, your certainty that through Mercury -your mind and thoughts therein you are able to dispense and cause to radiate throughout you, every transformation neccessary to dissipate the source of your illness. As the sun radiates and rises it shines its light upon venus. This is your heart and the heart of compassion. It is your gratefulness for every good thing you've ever known. Remember now these good feelings. Call them up into your awareness. Think of good times. Think of friends or family or lovers, whatever. Think of your good times. It is this feeling which is going to be expanded as the sun of your awareness gradually grows into the flame of healing which forever balances your vessel. This is an exercise not left for irregular visits. It can be performed for five minutes each day or longer up to an hour. What is important is establishing a pattern, a groove, a cycle, a circuit. Revolve the sun of your certainty then around the axis of your attention. Remember. Tie a string, or wear a ring or set an alarm. In all of this relax for this is the way too. Forget about the doctors for a moment. They can see with their instruments but not as I am showing you to see with your minds eye. Everything you've been looking for is there for you inside of you. Acceptance is your only answer. I am not talking about faith or hope but about science and cause and effect. What I am trying to show you is how to wake up the sun of your awareness. In so doing by the way I awaken my own sun and all others who may partake of this lesson on this day. Did you think your answers were too far away or must be shrouded in mysteries? No this is not the case. The healing way I show you was
used by Paracelsus. Awaken the sun within you. Rise to your own healing day.

Here is how. Take Mercury or the thoughts in mind and arrange them by ordered pathways, or channels so that the flow of ideas becomes continuous and always of the highest nature. These ideas are the reasons for the perfection of the form in which you reside. One reason is enough and that is to become that which you have always been simply a vessel of the divine. You do not want uncertainty. You must be sure. Bring your attention back to your sun and feel is rising within you. These thoughts must be alive and opening up areas of your being that have never been tapped.

Another image. Run inside of your imagination on a meadow in which a forest surrounds it on all sides in a circle. In the center is a window. Go to this window. At first see only the meadow on the other side of the window and then a mist appears on the other side of the window. There begins to appear that which you want to see. It is yourself in perfect health. There is a golden lever on the bottom of the window. Turn it counterclockwise. The window opens, the mists you can feel on your face like the sea in the early morning. The image of the perfect you is outlined and transparent. Open your arms and receive this perfect self inside of yourself. Merge with perfect being. Become my friend that which you are seeking.

Record the above instructions and play them back while meditating or simply groove the images and remember.

The voice that speaks through me today is speaking for you. I do not question this. It just is as is your perfect health. Any others who need healing may partake of this same flame of vision.

I stand aside now my work of the moment being done. Well all I wish you. I see you well.

A Voice full of healing

When I hear the story of your illness and your search for answers without I would like to offer a way within. An exercise perhaps in imagery. It may not mean anything to you. But each time you mention your illness this answer comes forth within my mind. I care nothing about your illness and honestly do not believe in it. I do believe in you and the incredible journey you have taken and are about to undergo. Let me show you a door here. It leads to peace and harmony. I've taken this door when I was once left for dead so I speak from the ultimate experience. Amaze yourself because frankly this is what we are here to do. Listen.

Let's use the sun for example. I will ask you to visualize this same sun inside of yourself radiating outward, its heat and healing rays affected by only one thing. That one thing is your attention and ability to fix the volatile (your mind is the volatile, the raging thoughts, the fear thoughts, the thoughts placed inside of you by others) Yes hold still for the focused thought of healing, your own healing complete in every way. At some point while you are reading this you will have a rush of feeling, of warmth which rises in recognition of truth. It is your inner spirit responding to your imagination. We must find this stone within you so that you can carry it with you always once you discover it for sure. This stone is your conviction, your certainty that through Mercury -your mind and thoughts therein you are able to dispense and cause to radiate throughout you, every transformation neccessary to dissipate the source of your illness. As the sun radiates and rises it shines its light upon venus. This is your heart and the heart of compassion. It is your gratefulness for every good thing you've ever known. Remember now these good feelings. Call them up into your awareness. Think of good times. Think of friends or family or lovers, whatever. Think of your good times. It is this feeling which is going to be expanded as the sun of your awareness gradually grows into the flame of healing which forever balances your vessel. This is an exercise not left for irregular visits. It can be performed for five minutes each day or longer up to an hour. What is important is establishing a pattern, a groove, a cycle, a circuit. Revolve the sun of your certainty then around the axis of your attention. Remember. Tie a string, or wear a ring or set an alarm. In all of this relax for this is the way too. Forget about the doctors for a moment. They can see with their instruments but not as I am showing you to see with your minds eye. Everything you've been looking for is there for you inside of you. Acceptance is your only answer. I am not talking about faith or hope but about science and cause and effect. What I am trying to show you is how to wake up the sun of your awareness. In so doing by the way I awaken my own sun and all others who may partake of this lesson on this day. Did you think your answers were too far away or must be shrouded in mysteries? No this is not the case. The healing way I show you was
used by Paracelsus. Awaken the sun within you. Rise to your own healing day.

Here is how. Take Mercury or the thoughts in mind and arrange them by ordered pathways, or channels so that the flow of ideas becomes continuous and always of the highest nature. These ideas are the reasons for the perfection of the form in which you reside. One reason is enough and that is to become that which you have always been simply a vessel of the divine. You do not want uncertainty. You must be sure. Bring your attention back to your sun and feel is rising within you. These thoughts must be alive and opening up areas of your being that have never been tapped.

Another image. Run inside of your imagination on a meadow in which a forest surrounds it on all sides in a circle. In the center is a window. Go to this window. At first see only the meadow on the other side of the window and then a mist appears on the other side of the window. There begins to appear that which you want to see. It is yourself in perfect health. There is a golden lever on the bottom of the window. Turn it counterclockwise. The window opens, the mists you can feel on your face like the sea in the early morning. The image of the perfect you is outlined and transparent. Open your arms and receive this perfect self inside of yourself. Merge with perfect being. Become my friend that which you are seeking.

Record the above instructions and play them back while meditating or simply groove the images and remember.

The voice that speaks through me today is speaking for you. I do not question this. It just is as is your perfect health. Any others who need healing may partake of this same flame of vision.

I stand aside now my work of the moment being done. Well all I wish you. I see you well.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Increasing the Focus

Sometimes in order to focus more accurately and get a clearer image you must be a greater distance from the intended object you are focusing on. This depends upon the lens you are using for your sense of the clarity of the image. Specialized lens called Macro lens allow you to focus very tightly on the image. I am looking for an equivalent spiritual lens to focus my thoughts upon to bring in images to their maximum focus. In this way the focused image is able to be brought into the clearest representation of what it is we are seeking to make by conjuring this image. The answer that comes immediately to mind is that in order to attenuate the image we are to keep adding detail to it. We add detail while the detail that has already been added remains in our picture as well. One of the ways to go about this is from the center moving outward in arcs of movement and form. As we look around us these arcs become suffused with the images of our thoughts and special details we are adding as we go along. In the center therefore is the thing itself. This is our central focus. Within this focus are the special parameters we require to be a part of this focus. For me this is the phone call which I've already received in a less developed form. This makes it easier to imagine more detail within this phone call itself and to imagine the successful outcome of this phone call. A sense of calm as I receive the call is definitely a part of the center of this vision. This calm comes from the expectancy of the outcome which acts like a fishing line reel in the outcome in an effortless fashion. No tugging or pulling are necessary. I simply can allow the line to become hooked and calmly watch the catch be reeled in right before my very eyes. Affirmations steady the line. It is the end which is bringing about both beginning and middle event horizons. Excitement builds because of the certainty that is being produced. Expectation then becomes a wave which influences the these events as they occur. The purpose here is provide a way within for the groove of thought to work its way into the events as they are taking place. Timing then becomes an issue as pinpoint awareness steps in to lead the way. It is now the leading edge of the thing itself that we are turned on to. In order to grasp it in our hands and give it the longevity for birth we look beyond the thing itself into the first wave of reflection. It is here that we may offer any corrections that are needed to sustain the energy flow indefinitely. Therefore do we time ourselves to remember and cause the currents of manifestation to appear steadily in an uniterrupted flow.

Monday, November 22, 2004

The returning flows

Vibration is the thing and its eternal sending forth. Your intention is the driving force.

Do not worry about sustaining the the energy. You say that you got it going. That is enough. It is a ripple in the waters of your mindscape which causes a sympathetic-corresponding vibrational correction along the axis of neighboring dimensions. By continuing the process periodically we have waves of influence acting in accordance with the direction of our intention.

I would suggest that when you receive the return flow that you have sufficiently charged the ethers. It is good that your thoughts go off. Then it is time to rest until you are ready to go through another cycle.

Watch for-be attentive to these waves returning to you either as sound(s) or subtle thoughts that are inspired by this. You will know them by their particular flavor. Also events will shape themselves somewhat differently. By sending out with your voice and listening with you ears, you bring about the upper flows of higher voice, and awakened hearing.

Take your time with this. Do not rush the beat. Get in the groove and relax there.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Alchemy X

Relax into your good.
     Spirit shapes the fires flow within.
      Inside here we meet going out to the end.
     The perfection of the stone cannot be achieved with this give and take.
     Meaning followed by expansion, integration through probing, and synthesis in union.
     We, you, I, whatever have never been alone.
     There you stand and I am with you.
     Receive the essence in grace rising up.
     In this way the mind is still.

     Do you want to know a way?
     Consider what happens when you listen.
     Yes your ears, your eyes, your skin, your nose and tongue and something else.
     It is where you reside within, the shape of who you are.

     It speaks to me now and comes from different places within, some deeper than others.
     I accept this because I need to in order to grow in my understanding of all that is.
     For too long I've been fighting these voices, this energy; I realize this now.
     They are gentle and giving and the source of all the wisdom that is in me.

     Descriptions are applicable for tangible substance but not for this.
     It is the mind flow of inner meaning, yet still this falls short.
     I can feel it move within or is it that I move in sympathy with it.
     Yes that is more the answer as I have just received the return flow.

     My confusion is in the separation of the subtle from the gross.
     There is that which I desire and where I want to move to.
     There is also that which shows me the way or moves out of the way as I come near.
     Is this just some kind of beckoning which calls me inside leading on to discovery after discovery?

     It is telling me about time and about how to focus beyond time.
     Also there is something about instantaneous translation of energy.
     By letting go of the mold or form it becomes self fulfilling.
     It fulfills itself into now.

     This is a greater spirit that I move inside of.
     No separation anywhere could I find.
     It is our nature to divide and analyze.
     I am told to look for the whole being.

     I am surprised.
     Every reference point is expanded into myriad directions.
     Curiously though I am not lost.
     To know this part of myself I need to envision, encompass the whole.

     In order to witness the proof you must dive deeply within.
     Sometimes deep emotion will give you glimpses but not enough control to continue.
     Persistent patient inquiry will lead to listening for subtle humors to embark.
     These subtle humors are wisps of the thing but having found them breathe deeply of them.

     Every time you open up inside you will see the reflection of that opening appearing outside.
     In this way nature maintains a balance, a continuity of purpose and unity of form.
     I will tell you something now that has never been told.
     The answer to life everlasting is to become that which you have always been inside.

     Unify the answers
     Awaken the binding ties.
     Vivify the outermost courses.
     Raise the mind to fly

     Yes movement is there within
     It is why every thought is in motion
     The turning point comes in deep devotion
     Of itself it shows the way.

     Expect out of this everything.
     Its only purpose is to bring us
     always closer the golden ring
     symbol of completion and perfection

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Alchemy IX

  • Those who know anything do not need to hide behind their secrets.
    Nature shares her truths with us freely and not obscurely.
    The chemist works their art with intention for its part.
    The philosopher witnesses the fire in the stone.

  • Each is awakening to discovery, making the unknown known.
    The path always lies directly ahead of us.
    We who labor in love point the way in light.
    Each day is the perfect way to make it right.

  • There is no point in anger or frustration.
    It detracts from your direction.
    Allow others their greatest invention.
    Mine the gold from every confection.

  • Of this we intimate those things unseen.
    Descriptions are what they really mean.
    No encompassing can come upon,
    the natural reality of Thoth his wisdom song.

  • There are no secrets of that I remain sure.
    When once envisioned the purest matter cures.
    Strike not at faceless spirits who all remain true
    to their art in time and tempest seeing through.

  • What remains that can be told is this.
    I am that I am. I become what I put forth.
    I change what I transform in time.
    My rhythm seeks stillness in bliss.

  • Many alchemists and philosophers complete the work.
    They just haven't told the world about it.
    Philosophy the work in mind. Completed it is union with the Eternal
    Alchemy the work in body. Completed it is Immortality.

  • You cannot ironically have one without the other.
    The Immortals walk amongst us every day.

  • Some question others hiding their knowledge and then go on to hide their own

  • The philosophers would say "know yourself," know your own mind. Questions
    about what others know or do not know misses the point. It only
    matters what you know, what you are certain about. Certainty is and doesn't
    have to make a case for itself.

  • Here is what I know.
    My thoughts take form.
    I work with nature, the earth, sun, sky and sea,
    the elements all they set me free.

  • Free to be exactly who I want to be from moment to moment throughout

  • I take the sun, the energy of life and use it to distill the sea waters
    creating the essence of my clay or first matter.
    This I then mix in the air
    which creates a current into which the direction of my intention aligns
    itself with magnetic forces inside the earth.
    Next I produce the holy
    sound or the Om, or call it the tuned vibration running through the octave
    according to the feeling of the wind on my skin. The vibrations go
    through the octave in various intervals, usually 1 4 5 7 8 (1) Three
    courses back and forth. The next day the forms of my intention appear.
    Some parts are not complete so I must send along another wave of momentum.
    Then gradually it completes and I am on to something else.

  • What happens is this. Dimensions shift, worlds coalesce. The vibrations
    go on forever which allows these dimensions to remain open. I accept my
    rest or the pause into which I insert the essence of my being. Then I
    reflect. Once again I am that I am.

  • Now your turn.
  • Monday, November 15, 2004

    Alchemy VIII

    Blinds. You'll find them in every Alchemical Text.
    They are deliberate attempts to obscure the truth.
    Symbols are substituted for plain speech.
    Recognize that those who obscure cannot know when they are trying to hide what they know.

    The truth is to be shared. It grows only in this way.
    A true master speaks the most profoundly simply.
    She doesn't obscure her words for they are born in her the moment she speaks them.
    Her truth is in the beauty of her expression which always rings true.

    In Alchemy some secrets cannot be given outright.
    The claim is that the profane or uninitiated isn't worthy or ready.
    Time and preparation are stressed.
    Long involved processes must be undertaken.

    Levels of achievement must be recognized.
    Everyone is in school.
    It is time to turn all of this around. School is out.
    Children. Think your world into being.

    Do you need a recognized authority for every inspiration you have?
    Must you second guess your own mind to validate the truth that is born in you?
    No. Absolutely not.
    Alchemy is the birth in the moment of that which is forever alive.

    It is time for a revolution of the mind.
    Take back your freedom.
    Never give it up to anyone for anything.
    If you want to learn listen and be inspired.

    One truth is there for all.
    You are here to listen and learn.
    Learn to shape the mind stuff well.
    Give yourself a good outcome everytime.

    Think for yourself.
    Do not agree with guilt.
    Guilt fetters the mind and opposes free thought.
    Guilt does not come naturally but must be placed there by an outside source.

    The clouds arise to cool the fires from above.
    Through the mist the rays of light shine clearly.
    Along the path a hummingbird sings.
    Your smile to fly on light filled wings.

    The sword it turns and flashes by
    while thoughts transform the inner eye.
    A note it sounds from far and near
    as thrills embrace our inner ear.

    She awakens to a brand new day.
    Every moment her birth cycle continues
    In that first fresh glow of inspiration all of life is contained.
    Witness this inside of you. Let it ever abide in you.

    Friday, November 12, 2004

    What Lies Within

    I am here in the first part of your being after the mind begins rest and find peace.
    I walk within along the many pathways of soul and find myself through invention.
    The feelings that you have within are the lights that guide me along the way.
    I trust in you that I will not be led astray. Yes it is I that trust in you.

    Place your state of being exactly where you want it to be.
    Visualize your highest purpose. Soar with the thoughts of the best that you can do.
    Rise above your own reflections and be carried by the inner being of love that resides within you.
    Move with the passion of every wonderful idea you've ever had.

    Think again my companion to thrill to the awakening of your highest vision.
    It really is just the thought of you that inspires and moves me to rejoice.
    For I know that even this whisper of meaning leads always to a greater truth.
    It is the sun and stars and moon and every universe discovered and experienced all within.

    Since I direct my attention along the ways of feeling, foster the feelings inside that you would have me follow.
    Common sense dictates the maintaining of feelings of joy and fulfillment.
    I will help you in this by verifying these feelings with demonstrations of their power.
    I will also remind you to return ever so gently to your focus when the mind pulls you aside.

    Thursday, November 11, 2004


    MInd is in service to Will. Will is the Directing Intelligence. The trick is to find ways to bring your attention back to what you want in ways that are innovative and refreshing. This allows the bundle of connections to swell into the light of brilliance increasing both the intensity of these connections and their attractive power.

    Wednesday, November 10, 2004

    Alchemy VII

    Along the way the purpose is revealed, this much I can tell you.
    Travel these paths of innocence and become the revealer of self.
    There are no obstacles to this revelation. Once begun, it must be won.
    The truth of your mind is that which you find after all the dust has settled.

    Quiet times within reflect the inner beauty.
    The flowing force of love rides upon these clear waters.
    The understanding that you seek is there each moment
    as discovery leads to the keys to the kingdom.

    Reflection has been called many things even the result of a process of art.
    In truth there is but one reflection and that is by the way we look and what we see.
    There then is moment that you have called into being.
    I laugh at the joy that accompanies such feelings of awakening.

    You can tell that I've been at this a long time.
    It seems however like it was only yesterday I tossed my eyes into the clouds.
    There revealed in heavens words were the substance and meaning of my life.
    At such a vision the mind cannot comprehend less remember exactly what just happened.

    It comes back to me now that what was being revealed was my way to be and everything I was to go after.
    I was in pursuit for so long that at times I overran my goal.
    Now I keep pace with it by stopping a while for this reflection.
    It comes up to me and sniffs my nose like a cat will do with its mate.

    Look into the sky today or tonight.
    It doesn't matter when.
    See yourself and the panorama of your thinking.
    It is awesome there before you the clouds of meaning, the clarity of open stretches.

    Listen during this time.
    There is a special sound you are going to hear.
    It will remind you of your synthesis with all that is.
    You will tell it that yes you remember and the moment will go on forever.

    Alchemy is concerned with the making of an Elixir according Bacon,
    which cast upon an imperfect substance does perfect that substance.
    It speaks of metals and infusions and processes all the outer workings of elemental forces.
    I must tell you that this seeking without is the long way around.

    It is like being asked to go to the ocean by travelling upstream.
    Sure you will learn much this way about the nature of things and eventually figure out that the ocean lies in the opposite direction. Some may say that finding the ocean isn't the goal; that it is the journey with which we are to be concerned. I would not argue that. However at this point of the journey I know in which direction the ocean lies and I long to be there on its shores enjoying the wonder of this complete discovery.

    Here at the ocean where the earth meets the sea every kind of transformation takes place.
    There are representations of all the things my mind has revealed.
    More there discoveries there for the asking.
    The answer is knowing that I have arrived and accepting this.

    Then all of nature must respond to any request I make of it.
    I thought I was following it all this time.
    It seems now that it was following me and trying to get me to pay attention to it so that it could catch up with me.
    It is a sigh of relief now that I experience along with the freshness of the ocean's air.

    Tuesday, November 09, 2004

    Alchemy VI

    I think we are much closer than we realize.
    we are at that place of integration.
    What is most amazing is that we have arrived unknowingly.
    This places an unseen hand in the works which then becomes the work.

    It is the unexpected turning that is the catalyst opening up the doors
    here. The steeple, the encapsulation, the striking of the rod on the stone
    to produce the spring lead in the same direction.

    We are finding out that like the Magician in the Tarot all power is
    transformed by the hand pointing heavenward, and the other hand towards the
    earth. We are the transmutation of the divine substance.

    Is there an actual philosphers stone? The "real stone?" My answer is really a question to all here.
    What are you seeking? What power do you wish to master? What proofs are
    you going to accept as the answer to these two questions?

    Let me go first and answer these two questions and then the third one
    about proofs.

    1) I am seeking integration, the transmutation of thought into form, the
    place in mind where unity and manifest being are one. This changes from day
    to day but the certainty of its eternal nature never does change.
    2) The power I am learning to master is that of 'listening to the one
    voice." It is in this attention that I learn all things there are to be
    learned just by listening. It is an antenna I place before me tuning to the
    station of all power.
    3)Proofs I witness by seeing that which I have been thinking about appear
    in its various forms in my life. Then there are the permutations which I
    too take part in. I storm, I wind, I grow, I transform, I give birth, I
    die, I burn, I am cooled. I am lifted up and I fall down only to rise
    In all of these things I am still the one. My attention and focus never
    waver. There are times of illusion but they are less and less because this
    attention moves me to clarity of vision.

    To summarize in a sentence. What I seek is the unity of my attention
    which teaches me the life of clarity.

    For you I direct this. Complete this unity of head and heart. Raise your
    thoughts to the emotional equivalent of ecstasy. LOVE WHAT YOU THINK. Do
    this by repeated visualization of that which you want whatever it may be.
    Experience having the thing itself. Practice. We are all world builders
    don't you know.

    Monday, November 08, 2004

    Alchemy V

    The thing that I have found I have found inside myself.
    Of what is this that I have made that has been made?
    It is my simple understanding only available in the moment of crystalization.
    I look where none can see.

    Around corners.
    Through windows transparent and shimmering.
    It all comes back to me.
    This more than anything I know.

    I could never forget for I have taught myself to remember.
    Paracelsis walked right through me in a time long since gone.
    My discoveries talked to me and I was lifted up.
    How many times have I been here before?

    It doesn't matter because I am continually becoming.
    That in itself should give you every clue.
    Don't read between these lines but rather in front of or behind them.
    Self discovery is just that.
    What works for one sometimes cannot be translated especially when the arcane tablets are used.

    These writings they arise from the inner surface which bends itself to the will of the maker.
    You who would be maker prepare your own transformations.
    All this art from Egypt did depart and made its way into the rivers
    which nourished and opened the sacred name.

    Seek you understanding then transfer meaning to allegory.
    Make straight the way to kindle the effulgent flame.
    Did you not know that the voice it speaks of its own will?
    Our training can be no more than as listeners to each transpiring vision.

    The ancient spoke in their mystic tongues and many try to separate their meanings.
    The secret stone to translate their tome was corded in transparent inquiry.
    Magic words are these that work their wonders because of a hint here or there.
    Time and timing concur there was no error, only a far ch
    asing towards the end of a precipice.

    As the Turba states that airs are all that is between things and out their confluence everything is mended and sent upon its way.
    Always there are intimations, glimmers of things that perhaps you are missing, things that needed be added or taken away.
    Pursue these all in shelters call but awaken one day to find the way that is said is more important than what it is that is said.

    These words obscure but often cure the unexpected wisdom of a naive babe.
    The trick ah the trick is subtly suggest and then pull away.
    This is the drawing power used so magnificently after the light was born.
    It comes in response to this inquiry as in all things curiosity rules to conform its way.

    Today I declare it. Today it is mine. Today the turnstiles move aside and another world is made.

    The stone? Look you now to your own orbit. It can only be made from the inside out, just as we are made from moment to moment.

    The tide changes now and I depart.

    Alchemy IV

    Beyond the wall of the temple there lay a garden.
    It is surrounded by the mist.
    The mist is Impenetrable except in one way.

    Inside of the garden there are three kinds of flowers.
    One is bright red and glows even in mid day.
    Another is golden and its fragrance draws one near.
    The third has blue sparkling flowers.

    There in the center of the garden above a clear pool is an image that flickers near and then far. It is an entrance to the secrets we've been discussing here.
    The flowers taken in the right combination produce an elixir that is not digested but is rather inhaled.

    This elixir when inhaled gives one the power to enter the vision of the image centered over the waters. It also allows one to penetrate the mist. This is a paradox because you cannot obtain this elixir unless you are inside of the garden which is only entered in one way.

    What of the stone? As with all things mystical or magical the best hiding place is always in plain view.

    When a man's vision or sight be perfected the stone appears as the third eye crystalline in nature. Many struggle for years and do not see what is directly in front of them accompanying them as it were on every journey.

    Be aware that it is deception that must be distilled from your mixture. Then and only then may you enter the garden, the way into which is provided by this clear sight looking through the ancient crystal.

    So speaks the unnamed one sometimes called the ancient of days in times when truth was in the open and all dared to speak it clearly.

    Herein therefore given in the open is the last step in this process.

    It is by accretion that all things that were made are made. This accretion works by intention. Fix the volatile. The volatile is the mind in its movements. It is fixed by repetition, emotion and a far off view which provides for the future casting forth of all that is good. Memory, visualization and emotion these are the keys.

    Some of these ancient writings are deliberate attempts to entangle the mind. These are traps which can easily be avoided but beware, some are caught here endlessly pursuing meanings which are dangled tantalizingly close but then no cigar.

    Step outside of the image. Use mind to uncover mind. Some will understand. Others will continue blindly seeking thinking that perhaps the light will appear. The trick to all of this is that you light the light with your own fire. No one can do this for you. However one can point the way for ears that are unified with heart and mind.

    Have you forgotten the flowers? Red is emotion. The feeling that knows and makes the direction for everything that is to come.
    Gold is the scintillating mind in its knowing and joy at its boundless freedom.
    Blue are the connecting symbols of light. The sky itself is symboling of limitless connection.

    Put them all together and feel what happens within reflect itself throughout.
    How did all of this come together? You did this. You made is happen by directly the energy within.

    Where is the stone?
    It is the result of efforts, the form of your achievement, the condensation of your desire.

    Friday, November 05, 2004

    Alchemy III

         We may see the results of our inner synthesis by its effect on our bodies or on the body of nature that we live and breathe in. Many times have I experienced realization within and then walked out into a sky clear and blue, birds singing, the wind softly caressing my skin. The world repeats what my mind or my thoughts have dwelled upon. Look for the correspondences between your thoughts and that which you see. Perhaps you've just gone through an emotional upheaval and notice the storm that has just passed. The connection is to find all things in unity and harmony in mind body and soul.
         The ancients as in over 3000 years ago who practiced the "foretelling of the god within" or alchemy knew well the associations that thought would produce in the various forms they desired to see. What we have today are reflections on this lost art hidden in symbols arcane leading to dead ends. The philosophers of the middle ages attempted to described what they themselves could not entirely grasp. The obscurity of their method gets further away from the truth of what is actually occuring and the true nature of alchemy. The symbols you are used to seeing are blinds and even their meaning is a blind. The associations given are from a combination of greek and hebrew cabala coupled with a chaldean source. The astrological meanings of these planets tell of their nature.      My suggestion to all alchemists is that you do not have to work so hard and that your own body-mind relationship is the true alchemy of the ancients or the "foretelling of the god within"
    It is the connection of body mind which allows you to make anything appear in your world that you want to experience. The philosophers stone is the self made appearance of that of which you have been thinking. Example. I wanted to have a great love. I imbued my thoughts with this great love. I dreamt, I prayed, I envisioned and one day this great love appeared and I knew that it had come from the work within. This wonderful being of manifest joy, is the stone, the irrefutable truth of the philosophers. Some would rather work with chemicals and ancient rituals for the there is great fear of taming the mind and knowing the inner being who directs all of our actions. This is why many will go to extreme lengths in order to avoid the discipline of continually changing one's mind to accomplish the directive of the stone or the truth of thought turned into form.
         Acting is the way. Think about what you want to think about. Direct your thoughts as when you were playing make believe when you were a child. Believe you are doing that which you want to do. Experience the excitement that this brings. Go with it inside. Feel happy about having what you want. It can be a material thing. It can be an emotional thing you desire. Fill your self with this in you moments of reflection-meditation. Now once these feeling are a part of you and you are comfortable with them they rise into your highest awareness where lo and behold the thing itself appears. This wondrous being is your stone.

    Wednesday, November 03, 2004

    Alchemy II

    It is in my mind that there is only one thing that we can work on, improve or educate. This one thing is our relationship to that which we are. We can call it I am or inner being, or soul or spirit. The symbols must in the end give way to the truth of our complete recognition that yes there is this connection we have within. This connection is inspired by nature because it is nature that reflects the truth of this connection.

    "As above so below......." What you envision will appear before you in kind. Learn to recognize the signs as in watching the clouds.

    We stand in the sun recognizing the eternal principle which animates our being.

    This external sun relates directly to the central sun of our "spirit." The sun above connects directly with the sun below or within in this case. Reference the 1st Principle of the Kabbalistic tree connecting with the principle of goodness or beauty. These two combine together to produce the principle of earth or malkuth-kingdom from this same tree. Here is where it could be said that "it descends again to earth."

    I think in terms of what this leads to is that we are referring directly to how the spirit moves throughout the body (the earth) and what these movements portend in terms of our life experiences.

    Where planets are mentioned they refer to orbits of energy, or fields of energy that are produced by corresponding states of mind. These states of mind may be subtle or gross and may be used accordingly.

    Mercury - Abstract thought
    Venus - receptive feelings of love which both radiate and transform
    Mars - the intention, the will, the direct knowing, the force which moves always forward with purpose
    Jupiter - Joyful expansive expression, Venus elevated to the next level.
    Saturn - Restrictive - time bound - pulsating as in rhythmic - the groove of higher wisdom or mercury raised on high.

    Man is the actor. Spirit moves in various orbits according to the emotional state of being which is being portrayed. "It ascends from earth to heaven.........." Here we embody or act out the emotion of lifting ourselves up. We in effect raise our spirit by providing the emotional pathways for spirit to travel along. In doing so we achieve the level of exaltation. It is a combination emotionally of excitement and anticipation. We take these feelings from the earth and transmute them through our center or heart of our being and introduce it into our higher awareness. Thus the below is raised on high. Then in a state of exaltation the forms of our thought are imbued with this essence or dew. At the moment of saturation the this dew now being transformed "descends again to earth." This is the second transformation. The third is in the receiving of the "power of the inferiors and of the superiors." In other words the process of initiation produces birth-death-rebirth ---------All of this takes place as a spiritual exercise which is why at the end of the tablet "therefore am I called Hermes Trimesgistus............Hermes the thrice born, or mind or the process of thinking in a special manner which engenders the triple transformation.

    (This entire experience can be acted out through rituals or symbolic actions. You can stand in the sun and resonate with the moon. The bottom line is the same. You are acting to raise your thoughts into an exalted state of mind--this much is evidently clear in all of the writings. However this same process can be understood as follows)

    This entire process takes place within. Kundalini the serpent force or rather the wisdom energy rises in response to thoughts directed on high. The ancients maxim to "Know thyself" pertained very much to paying attention to our internal processes.

    This kundalini force is the light within. The "sun is its father." Sunshine contains the lifeforce which we take in through our skins, and our breath. It is the "prana" spoken of in eastern practices of yoga.
    You can as well move this energy of life by imaging. Think of something you want. Feel the satisfaction of achieving or acquiring this something, even as in perfecting your stone. What happens as a result of these actions:

    You achieve thought into form. You recognize the entire chain of consciousness which has brought this about. Therefore you can bring forth this realization within whenever you choose to. This is how the base metal is turned into gold. The base metal is what you begin with. Your mind without intervention. When you begin to raise your thoughts to exaltation the gold of the ancients is achieved. In this way every good thing may be realized.

    This works completely. It doesn't just seem to work or have the illusion of working. Verifiable results may be achieved time and again. It truly then becomes mind over matter.

    Tuesday, November 02, 2004


    Unity. One. Man is one with God. Mind yes is the imaging making capacity of God. There cannot be any separation here because it is separation which takes us away from the first matter. What is man but the earth of God made out of its clay by the breath of spirit. The breath of the spirit of God or the "Ruach Elohim" in hebrew, is simply the thought that is taking form. Thought in order to know itself became that which it desired to know. It not only did this once but reproduced this kind of order of being so that we would know that this too was a part of the being of thought. Thought is the initial breath of the Creative Force.

    Yes there are many answers here to be given, and many ways to approach that which we call alchemy.

    Yes spirit can be improved. That improvement is the movement in and out of form. Once this is accomplished everything is possible. All transmutations result from this movement. This movement to use the terminology of the Emerald Tablet is "the mediation of One."

    Yes alchemy must be the search for God. We want to be more than we appear to be because we know that this is true. We want to experience that which is beyond ourselves because there are moments when we do this very thing. We want more of these kinds of experiences that open us up to God.

    What is mind but an antenna on high to connect with that spirit within. As we raise our thoughts, correspondingly we raise the vibration of our bodies. Now like the atoms of molecules that are moving fast, the spaces appear within. These spaces are where spirit learns to fly through us. We. Our bodies are the vehicle. The very transmutations spoken of take place in the body through the alkahest of our acknowledgement of the connection we always have with our spirit.

    My spirit which identifies with this body is never apart from this one thing. My spirit is constantly communing with me in order to get me to open the inner eyes of my awareness. This my or this I is my identification with this body. This I needs to get beyond this body awareness and encompass the universal awareness. This universal awareness connects the spirit within to everything everywhere all at once.

    The sun is the father of the 1st matter. Think sun. Think life, Above all think light. What issues forth from the sun that is like the sun? What is in the image of the sun? It is Light. Within there is also the sun. It too produces light. Did you ever have a sudden understanding, a flash of brilliance that made you feel as though your mind were lit up? This is the sun. It is literally the light of creation that we experience within. This light comes in response to the synthesis of thought bringing something new into our world. These ideas then go through their various reflections and transmutations (the moon or mother which brings the cycle of birth to place. The cycle is what is important here. Timing is everything). The wind is the breath that speaks the word. It is also the dew which was spoken of. It is how these thoughts coalesce into the 'earth' which is formed by one the accretion of thought and two the emotion of our intention which follows that thought.

    That is the state of my art at present. I only claim that this works and is working for me as we speak.
    My thoughts become form. The trick is to recognize the transformations taking place and then make the minor adjustments in order to pursue a satisfactory outcome.

    Monday, November 01, 2004

    See the world rightly.

    Thoughts make things. How you think about something, what you hold in your mind is the harbinger of what events your life will experience. We have to start with you first of all. There is no other or better place to begin.
    Think about how good you can make your life. What thoughts are in your mind? It is from there that everything that is seen or imaged is made into the forms of your experience.
    We aren't trained to think about ourselves and our thoughts. Our energies are directed outwardly. There is a kind of spiritual gravity that takes place. When you center yourself in your good, or in your good thoughts about yourself you make your world build itself around you. You become the center of gravity. The earth that then revolves around you reflects this.
    Conversely when our thoughts are outwardly projected to the world, we end up revolving or being affected by the world. Since negativity abounds we then end up experiencing negative outcomes. The world (or satan or the other, or the ego) cannot have any power over you unless you stop listening to your voice within which is telling you about your good. You have the responsibility to promote this good everywhere within you so that you are surrounded by it. The way to correct the world is to correct your vision of the world. At first it seems selfish to go it alone but if you persist you will notice changes in yourself and the world around you. Remember the story about the world being saved for one righteous man. Be that one righteous man. See the world rightly. There is no other way to do this then to start right where you are, with yourself. See yourself rightly and the world cannot help but follow along due to the gravity of your righteousness.

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