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What is full consciousness? It is knowing that you are part of a unified field. This field contains both your thoughts and the forms of their manifestation. Here I discuss the way everything works and how to apply these principles in our daily life. I refer to Kabbalah, Torah, Zohar, Bahir, New Thought, short stories and affirmations to illustrate this unified field of thought and form. The best is yet to come. Thanks for stopping by. Mark Siet - Author
The way is always shown beforehand. Listen well to remember where you must carry on to from where you left off.
Moving on to Chesed. Let's see where this takes us.
Moving on to Chesed. Let's see where this takes us.
Moving on to Chesed. Let's see where this takes us.
Where does Wisdom go to share its light? To Binah, understanding the container where the mold is prepared to be fired in the kiln of Zeir Anpin the lower six Sephiroth.
The conceptualization of the zimzum the lightning flash begins with Chokmah.
The conceptualization of the zimzum the lightning flash begins with Chokmah.
The young girl called Tril returned one day to find an odd funeral procession taking place for the dogma of a mourning monk. Calling upon her special powers of luminescent focus she lightly brushed the basket into which the dogma had been laid to rest. A brilliant flash of light outlined the dogma and lo and behold it came to life again. Shaking its philosophical tail it happily jumped into the arms of its master who promptly spoke to the monk whose karma had caused the apparent demise of his dogma.
Three monks were out metal detecting and found themselves standing in front of a girl child. She was playing with her pennies spread out before her in the sand.
Lo BiZhu Zen monk was saying to his favorite students one day,
The theme of Aleph is continued in this next verse.
We will return to the Zohar and this week's Torah portion to bring forth an important lesson. Alway are we connected to the center so that wherever we are studying from we will always be inspired to come back to the place of our deepest devotion where we may connect directly with the creator through the self knowledge of rising in prayer to the point of divine perception. The process will unfold from here directly and be a part of the explanations that are forthcoming. Keep going forward now with the momentum you are feeling. It is from this momentum that all things are proceeding from.
We will return to the Zohar and this week's Torah portion to bring forth an important lesson. Alway are we connected to the center so that wherever we are studying from we will always be inspired to come back to the place of our deepest devotion where we may connect directly with the creator through the self knowledge of rising in prayer to the point of divine perception. The process will unfold from here directly and be a part of the explanations that are forthcoming. Keep going forward now with the momentum you are feeling. It is from this momentum that all things are proceeding from.
The focus it shifts and then it moves on only to return. You remember that you are centered on a specific idea and then use your concentration to move ahead with this idea. You move ahead by invention. This invention is the result of both inspiration and persistence. Once follows the other like the moon the sun. At a certain point which we can even call the threshhold of focus your thoughts no longer need reminders. They return automatically to your focus because of its growing intensity. This intensity builds throughout the entire process of formation and is the impetus both behind its appearance in form and the sustaining energy that awakens the world view that must now correspond with this focus. Are there side roads you could take? Of course but then you would be deserting for the moment your focus. Is it necessary to think with intention at all times? No. It is however crucial to the growth of the forms of your awareness that you have sufficiently provided both enough emotion and thoughtful meditation to the task at hand. Then when you return to your focus it is there right where you left it ready to continue the process of unfoldment. Imagine a wavy cloth blowing presenting itself to your vision through many different angles. Then imagine a central path running through this wavy cloth so that you now have a point of reference even though the wind keeps changing the cloth's aspect to you moment by moment. It is in this way that life is offering up itself for your concentrated effort to keep your heart and mind on the path of return. What are you returning to? You are returning to the highest vision that you have of yourself. When your intention and your focus are one then you will see daily the result of this ongoing meditation. It will be there for you when everything else has gone by the wayside.
The trigger is discussed and meanings are connected.
The sense of direction in prayer is explained.
A link is provided and the connection is established.
We come back to the recurring theme of Kindness,Terror and Truth. First we'll make some definitions and bring it back to basics. Trying to figure out these long passages can be daunting but there continues to be the thread of consciousness that winds its way throughout. We'll determine that thread and then follow it to the next phase of enlightenment.
There are two processes that are ongoing. One is creation. Another is experience. Each produces its adherents and subsequent generations. The true wisdom is in being able to switch from on to another and to learn how in the midst of one to invoke the other.
We have come to be watered by the wells of meaning.
You never can tell what will inspire you on any given day.
There is a lot going on in this next passage. The veils are many but still the light is revealed even more so.
'Where the waters run the rivers will flow.'
An interesting point is discussed to further clarify the 'glory of God.'
Keep in mind that from here on in we are stepping deeply inside of the comprehension of our connection with Hashem.