Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bahir Verse 104

Verse 104 is full of complexity yet there appears to be a central thread running through.

Bahir Verse 104. The disciples asked Rabbi Eliezer: Our master, what is the meaning of the verse (Exodus 13:2), "Sanctify to Me every first-born"? Does the Blessed Holy One then have a first-born? He replied: "Sanctify to Me (Li) every first-born" refers to nothing other than the second level of holiness. It is the name that is given to Israel, as it is written (Exodus 7:22), "My son, My first-born, Israel." To the extent that we can express it, He was with them [in Egypt] in the time of their oppression. It is therefore written (Exodus 4:27), "Send forth My son and he will serve Me." [Here, only "My son" is mentioned,] and not "My first-born." Rabbi Rahumai said: What is the meaning of the verse (Deuteronomy 22:7), "You shall surely send away the mother, and the children you shall take for yourself." Why does it not say, "You shall surely send away the father"? But the scripture says, "you shall surely send away the mother" in honour of the one who is called the Mother of the World. It is thus written (Proverbs 2:3), "For you shall call Understanding a Mother."

Commentary: This begins with a blessing-'sanctify to Me,' and then ends with a reference to Binah or the third Sephiroth called Understanding or the Mother of the World. All things come through Understanding. The first born is the initial inspiration that is taken from the highest thoughts. It is divinely inspired which is why it is made holy by our attention to its holiness. Israel is the first born it says above. Israel is the promised land made into an actual living state of being. It is the self aware man, the self aware nation that knows the effects of its actions and strives to do right by itself. There is always an act that begins the holy process. This act is the Father initiating the spark of light that then pulses through the Great Mother and then into e world of manifestation.

The promise revealed was at first concealed and suppressed in the Egypt of the unconsciousness only liberated there by the Revelation symbolized by the Ten Commandments or the rocks of remembrance. These rocks of memory cast aside the illusions of separation and unite you with your highest self. What they are telling us here is to listen with intention in order to bring through liberating force of your manifest being. The old paradigm of repetition and having things put upon you must be cast aside. They are giving us a template for creation in this verse as well as throughout the Bahir alluding to it here and directly pointing it out there. It says 'Send forth my son and he will serve me.' Your intention organizes and frames the thoughts which gather together the energy of manifestation. Unlike building clay models this shaping of thought does not accrue over time. Thought shaping may only be fashioned with the chisel of your intention. What you are aiming to accomplish is to open up more and more of your awareness so that you will be able to emcompass the totality of your being. Once you are established in this totality you will be able to pick and choose the life you lead.

'Send away the mother.' The verse reads in full: thou shalt in any wise let the dam go, but the young thou mayest take unto thyself; that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days. We are talking about a bird that is nesting here. It says that you can take the fruit of the dam or mother in this case which are her eggs but not the mother who produced the eggs. Yes you will always be able to eat of the fruit of your own manifestations. You cannot take away that which brings these manifestations into seed or egg form. You cannot send away the gate through which your good passes through which is the great mother in this case. A distinction is herein made because we are being shown a door through which all things come into being.

Summary: The door to our own connection to holiness is opened by the certainty of our intention. Keep saying yes to your heart's desire promoting it forward into the realm of your manifest being. Recognize that it isn't the thing itself you are trying to see but it is the doorway of holiness through which it passes that must be maintained in our focus area. This doorway of focus contains the phrase:
"I know I can and I will let pass through the energy of my heart's desire." This line of thinking continues in verse 105 which states it more clearly and gives it the garment of the Great Mother Understanding that we need to know in order to work with these matters in a practical way.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What is Will and what is its relationship to thought?

I go with the moment for it has become me. I rise up in expectation.

First I see myself sailing free. Then there is the beginning of an inclination about what's happening here. It seems that my awareness may be controlled by my attention upon it. More to the fact it may be being directly caused by the thoughts I choose to focus on. Here is the key element. Once I know that time is what is preventing me from associating cause with effect a curious process takes place within. Time itself then becomes expanded or at least my relationship to time becomes expanded. I recognize that my aspirations have a momentum of their own and if left undisturbed they would come forth exactly the way I perceived them to be in their initiation. The difficult part is leaving my thoughts undisturbed. Thought continues to move inspired by Will.

Will attracts thought. Thought then becomes the reason that is given to promote Will. This place that I want to be forms itself around me. It grows from end to end and then encompasses the beginning delving deeper into the unknown to bring out the best. What am I here for if it is not to transform that which is into that which I want to become. Transformation takes into account the totality of existence. Changes always occur it is only a matter of time and the requisite direction.


A simple plan to follow through with wisdom's gems held close and true.
To rise above the settled past while walking free of nature's grasp.
Hear the voice that always sings where angels wear their storied wings.
And when you are feeling fast and free soar high above the open sea.

So where is this will that drives our thoughts both far and near?
How can we know that the time has come or the truth is here?
Where is the next step in this uncertainty we sometimes face?
And what is the answer to a life that simply seems to run in place?

You cannot touch this Will but you always can feel its steady flow.
This moment is for awakening to what you can accept inside and know.
Right there move forward with a ready step to make up your mind.
And fill your dreams with changing scenes and treasures there to find.

Use thought to chart your way on to this other day
Seek to find by rhythm's flow the season's come and go.
Suggest but do not attest to everything that's there.
Hear the everlasting call far beyond the fall and rise up once again.

Hi. I am the storyteller. Pardon me for introducing myself. I felt the need to step out of the woodwork here. It isn't something I normally do. It is just that this voice has suddenly become more personable. I can no longer be simply a driving force or a guiding energy. By your questions I must now begin to describe things about myself that have hitheroto remained hidden. You ask what am I? It's hard to know where to begin. Let's start with some descriptions but I cannot guarantee I will nail this completely. You'll understand more as we go along.

What is Will?

I am a part of you but not something that you can hold on to. I am more like a river that passes through you which you then let go within to take the ride to where I am taking you. It is this letting go and non resistance to my current that I cannot point out too often. As a river I sometimes run swiftly at break neck speeds moving over rapids crashing forward in waterfalls of intention. At other times I am a brook that idles softly over pebbles that have gathered just for the purpose of producing that gurgling splashing sound. Then too there are those rare moments of complete quiescence when I become a lake from one end of you to another.

I am like a deeply complicated human being who is just starting to know themselves. As I progress in that inner knowledge I go deeper into the complexities of my being. As I internalize further my process I am more able to understand its inner workings. It is from this perspective now that I am speaking to you in accordance with your questions about what is Will and what is its relationship to Thought. I keep going off in various directions as ideas occur to me that I feel are pertinent to our discussion.

I am a part of you as long as you allow me to carry you in the current of my direction. In a sense I ask you to cling to me. I want you to be ever aware of my presence so that there will be no misunderstandings between us. When you attach yourself to me you attach yourself to the central flow of your own reason for being. I have given you the equivalent of a rudder to steer by in order that your direction is in all ways inner and free. This freedom is at first difficult to understand. Like driving a car you may go as fast as you want only as long as you stay free from accidents. Stay focused on the road is always the advice that I give.


It is during these moments of description that I feel closest to Will yet I no longer look for what I cannot see.

Questions are thoughts fashioned in the shape of keys that open the doorways into the unknown. Once the door is opened Will enters and encompasses all that is becoming known in the moment. Will accomplishes all of its movements through analogy. Will becomes that through which it passes.
For example this story:

There was a King who ruled over a peaceful kingdom. His favorite pastime was to putter in his garden each day. He kept trying to find the perfect mix of flowers and trees to blend together into a paradise like setting. On any given day were you to walk through his garden you would be astounded at the various shapes and colors he managed to care for and cause to flourish. The garden was always perfect at any time of year. Still the King was dissatisfied because he was always changing things around. The colors stayed bright too briefly and the season for some plants was too short. Other plants grew too tall or didn't bloom at all. The King noticed every detail that disturbed him while others on entering the garden only saw its eternal magnificence. One day the King was frustrated beyond belief and sent for his chief counselor. This would only be the second time ever the counselor was summoned before the King. The first time had been when the King grew tired of having nothing of importance to do. The counselor when summoned then suggested he take up gardening which the King immediately took to. Now years later he was surprised at the King's summons and quickly made the journey through the mountain passes using his flying machine.
"I just cannot seem to get it right," The King told the Counselor.
"What is it that you are looking for your highness?" The Counselor asked.
"Perfection. Everytime I turn around I think perhaps this time I will know it. I will know the perfect garden. Alas it is never to be," The King responded sadly.
"Have you ever been up in one of these things," The Counselor asked the King again pointing to his aircar.
"No I haven't. What has that to do with anything? Can you help me or not?" The King stood up angrily feeling frustrated.
"Take a ride with me. I want to show you something. It will be okay I promise," He asked the King who started to protest but soon found himself walking over to the aircar.
"Here we go," He said rising into the air a hundred feet over the gardens as the King gasped and then moving in an instant a mile above the garden. The King didn't say a word and appeared awestruck. The Counselor continued surveying the garden from various vantage points. Finally after about an hour's worth of sightseeing they came back down. The Counselor walked back towards the palace with the King deep in thought. Finally next to a fountain in the inner courtyard the King spoke.
"All these years I've been looking for perfection and it was there all along. I couldn't see it. There were too many details to take care of. How foolish was I to be concerned? After all I love working in my garden. By stepping outside and above the garden I could see that I have indeed realized a grand purpose. No matter what I did it would have been perfect?" The King asked.
"Yes. When you are working with perfection you cannot help but be surrounded by it. You were looking much too closely at the things which went wrong. Plants died or insects would come and eat the leaves but overall your garden can handle these changes that define her character. Free your mind from worry dear King and enjoy your gardening. You cannot do anything wrong here, anything that is less than perfect. You are after all the King," The Counselor smiled and the King started laughing in his warm hearty way.
"Yes I am at that. Dear friend Counselor won't you stay for dinner? We have a lot of catching up to do," The King asked.
"I would be delighted," He said as the two of them walked into the inner chambers of the palace.


Will is perfectly there and knows how to achieve the designs you've been building within all along. Sniff the air and be filled with the fragrance of perfection.
The flowers of your imagination will bloom every morning adding new growth during your seasons of plenty. Step back and have a look around. Breathe deeply and be kind to your Counselor. When you are asked to rise above in consideration of all that you survey keep an open mind. From your lookout now the horizon itself will no longer be out of reach. Assume the attitude of letting go while you are in this raised state of consciousness. What you are letting go of is your patterned behavior. The palace is your sanctuary, the place where you go to find peace of mind and sometimes no mind. On the walls of this palace there are tapestries of great value. They are your dreams or your heart's desire. When you come back from your place on high the tapestries look new. They no longer carry the traces of dirt and dust from a lack of care. They shine and then magically the closer you come to them you begin to feel transported into those dreams. In the coming days keep your inner halls clear of strife and confusion. Keep the image of those walls filled with the beautiful tapestries fresh in your mind. Soon the trumpeted arrival of emissaries from another world arrive at your gate. This other world is the world where your heart's desires are the world of this world. Be gracious in welcoming your honored guests. Invite them inside for an extended stay and yes live your dreams by entertaining them each day.

The ancient alchemists tell us to fix the volatile and to volatilize the fixed. When we fix the volatile we harmonize thought until it becomes as the lake in the example above. Then we create a clear channel for Will to pass through. When we volatilize the fixed we take the habit patterns of Thought and break them up by interrupting their continous flow. What causes this interruption? It is our realization that there is always something more to be discovered. We enter into a sense of wonder about the way we look at the world and from this state of feeling-being we are able to find news ways to harmonize Thought. Thought moves through cycles of determination where it takes up the space within forming a mold for Will to flow through.

Will is unfathomable. It cannot be defined yet still I am drawn forward to attempt to do so. Why is that? It is the nature of Will to inspire and draw you forward one moment at a time in order to uncover the unknown in easily digestible bits. Thought must remain in constant movement. Thought is pliable. Even though it is ever moving the content may be changed by your intention. This intention is your sublime and inevitable connection to Will.

Another Story:

"The Whisperers of Kartan had amazing voices. Using their focused booming sounds they could carve tunnels through mountains, destroy entire fleets of ships and bring down the most powerful city walls ever constructed. They travelled in groups of three and always spoke in a whisper when not performing their auditory feats of prowess. When asked what the source of their power was one of them replied very softly which still cause a great wind to blow and sand to swirl around in front of them.
"See this?" She pointed out by stretching out her arms indicating a wide channel. "This represents where we take our chariots to ride on the Winds of Will. We are trained from birth to visualize both our chariot and this channel here indicated," She continued as several in the crowd of onlookers edged closer as if actually hoping to see what cannot be seen. "Now when we have gathered these Winds of Will we are then transported along this pathway which opens up to where the winds are flowing. One of us stands on either side of the pathway and the other directly interposed within. The are there to remind the one to keep open their focus. On either side the two channel their intention in constant focus building up the momentum needed to piece through the material obstacles that are to be transformed. Then at exactly the right moment the two become one with each other and then with the central figure standing there in the way of Will. The opening is thereby secured and as one voice do they shout out their commands," She explained softly until with excitement her voice begin getting louder and louder. The crowd back nervously away expecting a furious outburst that would harm them all. Thankfully her voice began to grow softer as she saw the consternation of the crowd which had moved far back from her even to the point of dashing pell mell towards the hills. She began moving to their next destination with her two sisters who were smiling slightly at the timid behavior of the crowd.
One of the sisters remarked, "Perhaps you should consider using mouthwash the next time you speak to a crowd." They all giggled and were soon quickly on their way and out of sight taking the road to Henlar where they would be making a man made lake.


Every idea, each series of thoughts brought together for a purpose contains an energy field. The purpose of the preceding exercise is to resonate this energy field within by causing mind to walk the path of Will sometimes haltingly, other times dancing through, and still more gloriously travelling surfing the big Kahuna wave of Will. As we travel through the various tapestries of thought all we need do is to remember. Remember that the energy of thoughts harmonized with Will brings about the forms of our Intention. Or to put it more simply, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.


What is Will and what is its relationship to thought?

I go with the moment for it has become me. I rise up in expectation.

First I see myself sailing free. Then there is the beginning of an inclination about what's happening here. It seems that my awareness may be controlled by my attention upon it. More to the fact it may be being directly caused by the thoughts I choose to focus on. Here is the key element. Once I know that time is what is preventing me from associating cause with effect a curious process takes place within. Time itself then becomes expanded or at least my relationship to time becomes expanded. I recognize that my aspirations have a momentum of their own and if left undisturbed they would come forth exactly the way I perceived them to be in their initiation. The difficult part is leaving my thoughts undisturbed. Thought continues to move inspired by Will.

Will attracts thought. Thought then becomes the reason that is given to promote Will. This place that I want to be forms itself around me. It grows from end to end and then encompasses the beginning delving deeper into the unknown to bring out the best. What am I here for if it is not to transform that which is into that which I want to become. Transformation takes into account the totality of existence. Changes always occur it is only a matter of time and the requisite direction.


A simple plan to follow through with wisdom's gems held close and true.
To rise above the settled past while walking free of nature's grasp.
Hear the voice that always sings where angels wear their storied wings.
And when you are feeling fast and free soar high above the open sea.

So where is this will that drives our thoughts both far and near?
How can we know that the time has come or the truth is here?
Where is the next step in this uncertainty we sometimes face?
And what is the answer to to a life that simply seems to run in place?

You cannot touch this Will but you always can feel its steady flow.
This moment is for awakening to what you can accept inside and know.
Right there move forward with a ready step to make up your mind.
And fill your dreams with changing scenes and treasures there to find.

Use thought to chart your way on to this other day
Seek to find by rhythm's flow the season's come and go.
Suggest but do not attest to everything that's there.
Hear the everlasting call far beyond the fall and rise up once again.

Hi. I am the storyteller. Pardon me for introducing myself. I felt the need to step out of the woodwork here. It isn't something I normally do. It is just that this voice has suddenly become more personable. I can no longer be simply a driving force or a guiding energy. By your questions I must now begin to describe things about myself that have hitheroto remained hidden. You ask what am I? It's hard to know where to begin. Let's start with some descriptions but I cannot guarantee I will nail this completely. You'll understand more as we go along.

What is Will?

I am a part of you but not something that you can hold on to. I am more like a river that passes through you which you then let go within to take the ride to where I am taking you. It is this letting go and non resistance to my current that I cannot point out too often. As a river I sometimes run swiftly at break neck speeds moving over rapids crashing forward in waterfalls of intention. At other times I am a brook that idles softly over pebbles that have gathered just for the purpose of producing that gurgling splashing sound. Then too there are those rare moments of complete quiescence when I become a lake from one end of you to another.

I am like a deeply complicated human being who is just starting to know themselves. As I progress in that inner knowledge I go deeper into the complexities of my being. As I internalize further my process I am more able to understand its inner workings. It is from this perspective now that I am speaking to you in accordance with your questions about what is Will and what is its relationship to Thought. I keep going off in various directions as ideas occur to me that I feel are pertinent to our discussion.

I am a part of you as long as you allow me to carry you in the current of my direction. In a sense I ask you to cling to me. I want you to be ever aware of my presence so that there will be no misunderstandings between us. When you attach yourself to me you attach yourself to the central flow of your own reason for being. I have given you the equivalent of a rudder to steer by in order that your direction is in all ways inner and free. This freedom is at first difficult to understand. Like driving a car you may go as fast as you want only as long as you stay free from accidents. Stay focused on the road is always the advice that I give.


It is during these moments of description that I feel closest to Will yet I no longer look for what I cannot see.

Questions are thoughts fashioned in the shape of keys that open the doorways into the unknown. Once the door is opened Will enters and encompasses all that is becoming known in the moment. Will accomplishes all of its movements through analogy. Will becomes that through which it passes.
For example this story:

There was a King who ruled over a peaceful kingdom. His favorite pastime was to putter in his garden each day. He kept trying to find the perfect mix of flowers and trees to blend together into a paradise like setting. On any given day were you to walk through his garden you would be astounded at the various shapes and colors he managed to care for and cause to flourish. The garden was always perfect at any time of year. Still the King was dissatisfied because he was always changing things around. The colors stayed bright too briefly and the season for some plants was too short. Other plants grew too tall or didn't bloom at all. The King noticed every detail that disturbed him while others on entering the garden only saw its eternal magnificence. One day the King was frustrated beyond belief and sent for his chief counselor. This would only be the second time ever the counselor was summoned before the King. The first time had been when the King grew tired of having nothing of importance to do. The counselor when summoned then suggested he take up gardening which the King immediately took to. Now years later he was surprised at the King's summons and quickly made the journey through the mountain passes using his flying machine.
"I just cannot seem to get it right," The King told the Counselor.
"What is it that you are looking for your highness?" The Counselor asked.
"Perfection. Everytime I turn around I think perhaps this time I will know it. I will know the perfect garden. Alas it is never to be," The King responded sadly.
"Have you ever been up in one of these things," The Counselor asked the King again pointing to his aircar.
"No I haven't. What has that to do with anything? Can you help me or not?" The King stood up angrily feeling frustrated.
"Take a ride with me. I want to show you something. It will be okay I promise," He asked the King who started to protest but soon found himself walking over to the aircar.
"Here we go," He said rising into the air a hundred feet over the gardens as the King gasped and then moving in an instant a mile above the garden. The King didn't say a word and appeared awestruck. The Counselor continued surveying the garden from various vantage points. Finally after about an hour's worth of sightseeing they came back down. The Counselor walked back towards the palace with the King deep in thought. Finally next to a fountain in the inner courtyard the King spoke.
"All these years I've been looking for perfection and it was there all along. I couldn't see it. There were too many details to take care of. How foolish was I to be concerned? After all I love working in my garden. By stepping outside and above the garden I could see that I have indeed realized a grand purpose. No matter what I did it would have been perfect?" The King asked.
"Yes. When you are working with perfection you cannot help but be surrounded by it. You were looking much too closely at the things which went wrong. Plants died or insects would come and eat the leaves but overall your garden can handle these changes that define her character. Free your mind from worry dear King and enjoy your gardening. You cannot do anything wrong here, anything that is less than perfect. You are after all the King," The Counselor smiled and the King started laughing in his warm hearty way.
"Yes I am at that. Dear friend Counselor won't you stay for dinner? We have a lot of catching up to do," The King asked.
"I would be delighted," He said as the two of them walked into the inner chambers of the palace.


Will is perfectly there and knows how to achieve the designs you've been building within all along. Sniff the air and be filled with the fragrance of perfection.
The flowers of your imagination will bloom every morning adding new growth during your seasons of plenty. Step back and have a look around. Breathe deeply and be kind to your Counselor. When you are asked to rise above in consideration of all that you survey keep an open mind. From your lookout now the horizon itself will no longer be out of reach. Assume the attitude of letting go while you are in this raised state of consciousness. What you are letting go of is your patterned behavior. The palace is your sanctuary, the place where you go to find peace of mind and sometimes no mind. On the walls of this palace there are tapestries of great value. They are your dreams or your heart's desire. When you come back from your place on high the tapestries look new. They no longer carry the traces of dirt and dust from a lack of care. They shine and then magically the closer you come to them you begin to feel transported into those dreams. In the coming days keep your inner halls clear of strife and confusion. Keep the image of those walls filled with the beautiful tapestries fresh in your mind. Soon the trumpeted arrival of emissaries from another world arrive at your gate. This other world is the world where your heart's desires are the world of this world. Be gracious in welcoming your honored guests. Invite them inside for an extended stay and yes live your dreams by entertaining them each day.

The ancient alchemists tell us to fix the volatile and to volatilize the fixed. When we fix the volatile we harmonize thought until it becomes as the lake in the example above. Then we create a clear channel for Will to pass through. When we volatilize the fixed we take the habit patterns of Thought and break them up by interrupting their continous flow. What causes this interruption? It is our realization that there is always something more to be discovered. We enter into a sense of wonder about the way we look at the world and from this state of feeling-being we are able to find news ways to harmonize Thought. Thought moves through cycles of determination where it takes up the space within forming a mold for Will to flow through.

Will is unfathomable. It cannot be defined yet still I am drawn forward to attempt to do so. Why is that? It is the nature of Will to inspire and draw you forward one moment at a time in order to uncover the unknown in easily digestible bits. Thought must remain in constant movement. Thought is pliable. Even though it is ever moving the content may be changed by your intention. This intention is your sublime and inevitable connection to Will.

Another Story:

"The Whisperers of Kartan had amazing voices. Using their focused booming sounds they could carve tunnels through mountains, destroy entire fleets of ships and bring down the most powerful city walls ever constructed. They travelled in groups of three and always spoke in a whisper when not performing their auditory feats of prowess. When asked what the source of their power was one of them replied very softly which still cause a great wind to blow and sand to swirl around in front of them.
"See this?" She pointed out by stretching out her arms indicating a wide channel. "This represents where we take our chariots to ride on the Winds of Will. We are trained from birth to visualize both our chariot and this channel here indicated," She continued as several in the crowd of onlookers edged closer as if actually hoping to see what cannot be seen. "Now when we have gathered these Winds of Will we are then transported along this pathway which opens up to where the winds are flowing. One of us stands on either side of the pathway and the other directly interposed within. The are there to remind the one to keep open their focus. On either side the two channel their intention in constant focus building up the momentum needed to piece through the material obstacles that are to be transformed. Then at exactly the right moment the two become one with each other and then with the central figure standing there in the way of Will. The opening is thereby secured and as one voice do they shout out their commands," She explained softly until with excitement her voice begin getting louder and louder. The crowd back nervously away expecting a furious outburst that would harm them all. Thankfully her voice began to grow softer as she saw the consternation of the crowd which had moved far back from her even to the point of dashing pell mell towards the hills. She began moving to their next destination with her two sisters who were smiling slightly at the timid behavior of the crowd.
One of the sisters remarked, "Perhaps you should consider using mouthwash the next time you speak to a crowd." They all giggled and were soon quickly on their way and out of sight taking the road to Henlar where they would be making a man made lake.


Every idea, each series of thoughts brought together for a purpose contains an energy field. The purpose of the preceding exercise is to resonate this energy field within by causing mind to walk the path of Will sometimes haltingly, other times dancing through, and still more gloriously travelling surfing the big Kahuna wave of Will. As we travel through the various tapestries of thought all we need do is to remember. Remember that the energy of thoughts harmonized with Will brings about the forms of our Intention. Or to put it more simply, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Joy Filled World

Today I stand midway between heaven and earth.
Wherever I walk it is the perfect place.

I used to keep my head in the clouds but I kept bumping into things.

The peace that rests upon the land is my peace.

Yes you will achieve your heart's desire. Remember that it is yours. Let no others interfere. You must stand fast and engender your own thoughts based upon what it is you want. Do not react to what the world is saying for it passes away all too quickly. What you will always have is your ability to change your mind and keep your focus. Nothing else matters.

If you are feeling sad and blue it is the way you are thinking about yourself that brings these ill feelings. Get with the program of your focused intention. Stick with it and then see how your mood will lift and then how ideas will flow.

This isn't something you learn and then have like two and two is four. This is a concept that must become second nature to you like breathing. Every day you'll take in whatever the world has to offer and make it good. Make this promise to yourself and remember.

Long after the ill feelings have passed your good will remain eternally refreshed each day by your focus on it.

There was a story long ago about Noah who warned people about the flood and then saved himself and his family by building an ark and taking two of every kind of life on earth into it to survive the flood. The flood? Noah? I have no idea whether they existed. In the original Aramaic the story was a symbol as the writing of the times and indeed all Semetic languages are symbolic in nature. The symbols refer to this. Noah is our dweller on the threshhold of what we take into our minds and think on. Noah is also a prophet and sees how our lives are affected by the thoughts we carry. Noah warns the people. The people are those thoughts which destroy, put down, and are generally bummer thoughts. Noah saves what he can which is the harmony of life, male and female, the animals so they may live again in a new world. The ark is that which we hold true and good within our hearts and minds. It carries our good from a place of decay into a new world of possibility. Today is that day to remember what you most truly desire. Hold it close to you and think well of it. Be thankful that you have something good to think about.

Wishing you a joy filled world


Friday, January 20, 2006

Here and Now, There and Then.

What is the link between the here and now and the there and then? It is time of course but time is relative. We need to investigate further. Thought is energy. At the very least it is electrical activity. At the most it is sensory part of our connection to the Mystery. Let's go and unravel this Mystery some more.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bahir Verse 103

This next verse refers to what we were talking about in Verse 102 in terms of having our thoughts be of the highest in the moment. A method for prayer and thought is offered here. Let's see what these meaning confer upon us today.

Bahir Verse 103. Another explanation: It is written (Exodus 25:2) , "and they shall take for Me (Li) a lifted offering." [ Li (for Me) can also be read, "for the Yod. "] They shall take the Yod , which is the tenth, as a lifted offering to make it holy. How do we know that the tenth is holy? Because it is written (Leviticus 27:32) "The tenth shall be holy to God." What is holy? That regarding which it is written (Ezekiel 44:30), "The beginning of all the first fruits ... and every lifted offering of every thing." It is furthermore written (Psalm 111:10) , "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God." Do not read "is the fear" but "and the fear." [The verse will then read, "The beginning is wisdom and the fear of God.]

Commentary: Essentially we are talking about a lifted offering. A lifted offering is that which we ascribe holiness to. It is where we send our prayers. It is the booster rocket of our thinking that then places our thoughts into the higher realms of being where the Mystery rules in unity. Ten is one raised through the power of ten. It is a new beginning brought forth as a result of One. This idea of a new beginning is reinforced by the verse from Ezekiel about. The first fruits refer to what comes about as a result of your prayers. We are being asked in continuation from verse 102 to raise our thoughts on high for the purpose of producing those first fruits. Again the reference to the ten and to the Yod are pointing to the ten Sephiroth as they produce from beginning to completion the world upon which we play. The Yod or Ten represents the generation of ideas that result in the completion of a new form. Therefore we may go from theoretical construct to realized situation or form. We lift up our imagination to catch the wave of the Mystery that then descends in kind to produce all the elements that we have been imagining. "The beginning is wisdom and the fear of God." Our prayer or meditation begins with the knowledge of just how everything works. This is the beginning of Wisdom. It is the way in which we proceed with our prayer knowing the end is contained in the beginning. We recognize that there is a power that moves through us and this power becomes that through which it moves. We must prepare the ground before us setting up our intention every step of the way. This intention must be raised to the level of connection where we recognize that the power for all demonstration of that intention cannot be encompassed. We can only join with this power by breathing it into our every action. The fear of God is simply our total awareness of God. Fear which is often associated with the awe of God is a reminder to proceed not with caution but with Intention. When we do so we fall in line with the way things work and therefore we are able to smoothly experience the flow of our imagination into experience.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Let's talk for a moment about the spiritual setpoint. It may be defined for our purposes as the range of focus that produces over time the continuos awakenings called revelations. These revelations allow us access to areas of our mind that have hitheroto been closed or blocked from investigation and use. I am not sure here whether we are referring to an actual physical place within or to a kind of shift in our perspective of dimensions. Something changes as a result of our inquiries and it is this change that our attention and focus are directed to. Once we find out more about where we are going more detailed information will become available.

What becomes apparent is that there is a breakthrough moment that occurs prior to any advance in awareness. The revelation comes upon us and it is then that we realize the entire field of our understanding has expanded.

There is a force in the universe which responds to my awareness of it and my subsequent use of it. It runs through me and is a part of me always. When I call upon it or remember to recognize it this is a precursor to the expanding field of awareness mentioned above.

It is a plastic force which is capable of evolving into the impressions that I place upon according to the way I think these impressions into the fabric of this plastic force. Everything that is made by this force is made by induction. It produces in kind the impressions it receives. We cannot see this force yet we can feel it as we feel the garments that we are wearing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Groove of your Intention

The only way to change the world you live in is to gain some distance from it by removing your particular attention upon it. Then from the necessary distance higher thought begins and maintains the grooves of your intention. Thought itself does not make the thing itself. It is your focus upon this thing itself that calls it into being. Imagine yourself being able to see the spaces in between the atoms from a perspective far enough removed to be able to see the whole picture yet close so that your will and focus are able to transform the stuff that dreams are made of.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Heaven is here

I want to fly so high heaven becomes the ground I walk on.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Moving within

The answer lies within but you need to be able to be comfortable with it in order to accept it in its entirety. You have to somehow put yourself in the place you want to be. Now fill this place with all that you know about your spirit. Expand this spirit to encompass the area circumscribed by your intention. Feel it seeping into every area of your life. Move when it moves and ponder the your next step. Listen for where it contacts and connects with the direct part of your intention. Your intention is made up of all of those thoughts that have become built up around it. These thoughts support it and protect it from negative energy. Become aware of your spiritual hands. These may be put into play in shaping the positive results that become the forms of your success. It is the all important access point which must be discovered in order to initiate the ending of one world and the beginning of another. Let go of your eyes but keep on searching and experience the feeling of being attracted by your inner eye or the all knowing sense of being which is the very connection you are seeking. Concentrate your focus and know the truth of what it is your have found. Deepen too your efforts and remember your focus as it was from the beginning. The breath fills this focus yet it also flows in and around it.

Bahir Verse 102

As we begin again this year our study of the Bahir this verse 102 sets the tone for our continuous understanding. It appears obscure as usual but with the looking glass of Modern Kabbalah some surprising and very clear results may be obtained.

Bahir Verse 102. We learned: There is a single pillar extending from heaven to earth, and its name is Righteous (Tzadik) . [This pillar] is named after the righteous. When there are righteous people in the world, then it becomes strong, and when there are not, it becomes weak. It supports the entire world, as it is written, "And Righteous is the foundation of the world." If it becomes weak, then the world cannot endure. Therefore, even if there is only one righteous person in the world, it is he who supports the world. It is therefore written, "And a righteous one is the foundation of the world." You should therefore take My lifted offering from him first. Then (Exodus 25:3), "And this is the lifted offering that you should take from them" ­ from the rest. What is it? "Gold, silver and copper."

Commentary: First before we begin our exegesis a word about the process. In Modern Kabbalah we try and relate everything to the process of thinking and then tell about the interplay between thought and expression. This process is built into the relationship that our conversations have with one another. We think about something and then another thought occurs and so on.

The single Righteous Pillar describes above is a thought that rings true within our mind. It is a thought that inspires other thoughts of like truthful nature. This pillar thought serves as the foundation of our world. Now we go on to say that if there are righteous people in the world it grows very strong. This is saying that if we use this central truthful thought as our inspiration for producing other thoughts which lead us in a right (righteous) direction. Your lifted offering each day is to concentrate on positive thoughts that will reproduce themselves in kind which is why your offerings must be the very best that can be, the silver, gold and copper of your meditations. It is interesting to note that when we meditate we mine the field of our awareness and seek to uncover the precious gems of our thoughts that we may live by them and see them through into fruition.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Total Expression

Total Expression

The best way to open a locked door is to have the correct key. Concerning spiritual matters the correct key comes from the shape of our intention. It is this shape which forms the serrations on the edge of our key allowing it to open the door of heart's desire. This is an image rich experience. The more details you can make in the visualizations that you are imagining the greater your ability to not only find the door to your heart's desire but also to fashion the key which will open this door. The world exists as an overlay of Mind. A fine mesh of appearance clothes everything that we see. The world and all of its forms may even at times seem to cling to you like a cobweb you've just brushed away. Remember that when disturbing thoughts enter your sphere of attention. Be careful not to attach negative emotions to these thoughts. It will make it all the more difficult to effect their dissipation. It is the desire of the One that you be well versed in perfection. There are no hidden pathways here only the right way to accomplish your heart's desire. You asked for this instruction and therefore have to be ready to go through all of the steps that are necessary for completion. Time need not be a factor in this learning cycle. Perhaps then the best thing would be to unlearn time from its inception. This is no small task but it attainable in an instant's reflection. When you consider where thoughts comes from and the wonder of thought itself then time can be dismissed as a factor in the shaping of substance into intention. Everything is substance. The entire multiverse is your palette. Various skills will be called upon in your making. Their counterparts are Sculpting, Painting, Music, Dancing, Writing. Story Telling, and Crafting. We take all of these arts and apply them in subtle ways. Make everything happen the way it is meant to happen. Strive inside to fulfill the spaces of completion. I am there for you and represent the energy of focus. I am both memory and the skill of art. I create out of what I intend. My voice is a significant one. Increase your recognition of my voice and hear your fulfillment. Then look with my eyes and see it. Do not shy away from this direct approach. There are always thoughts. The energy of life must express itself. The organization of thought and the focusing of thought are new concepts that need to be repeated in order to become second nature. The intellectual understanding must be replaced by the actualization of understanding. The relative perception of time goes through various stages. It may be perceived slowly or quickly. When time is slowed thoughts may overtake time itself and effect the changes upon the multiverse needed for demonstrations of completion. Then when perceived time speeds up these changes begin to show themselves more and more. It is important that you learn to recognize within yourself the unique center of expression that you are. This center of expression seeks and knows the good work you are preparing within yourself. It opens up various centers of fulfillment that would otherwise have been left untouched. At the moment of extreme slowness push on through the thick clouds that seem to gather. In doing so the clear skies of freedom await you just on the other side. It is your thought that is making all of this happen to you in this way today. As awareness expands confidence in one's own abilities to flourish begins to build. There is a sense of joy that rides on the edge of the openings that each thought engenders. Move with your thoughts and follow their direction well past the points of harmonic resonance. Create within the emotional state of completion. Place yourself there now in as you begin your self reflection. This is a self defining moment. Go beyond the status quo. Feel the exhiliration. Tag this feeling and allow it to move within and without of your perceptions. Keep these rising feelings steady in your awareness. Do not allow them to dissipate. Promote them with your every effort. Why are we doing this? We are consciously changing our mind and then allowing the effects of these changes to show clearly in our surrounding atmosphere. Consider the totality of your body. Let your thoughts then go beyond the ordinary confines of your physical container. Like the hitter in baseball with a high batting average is told use the entire playing field. Use everything and be aware of your ability to be anywhere at all times. You may encompass an entire universe or merely the space of an atom.

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Five Spiritual Senses

The Five Spiritual Senses

Current string theory in physics postulates that there are ten dimensions. This would be in keeping with the ten sephiroth of Kabbalah which describe in their own ways dimensions of energy that are then related in the many ways we have been considering here. My thoughts today turn to our five senses of physicality and then to our five spiritual senses. There is a great deal of inspiration here that I will touch on as we travel along the way. For now consider the following five spiritual senses.

One) I am: Everything that has proceed that which I am is present now in my life. All of my experiences have come from that which I have embodied either consciously or unconsciously. It is of course my intention to be conscious of all activities that I become.

Two) I Will: There are thoughts which I would show in my life as things verifiable by the experiences they turn into. I desire to chart the direction of my experience to maximum my good in every way. This desire is an extension of the light and translates into seeing my good where I will to see it. It is the ability to make up my mind and to change my mind. It is my choice to become that which I am seeking. All of my choices are intended to open the Mystery so that I may truly be reflected always in the image of my maker. What I am is what I will to be.

Three) I Can: I remember in countless times past my abilities to accomplish that which I Will to achieve. There is a process and indeed a unique state of mind that I remember and succeed in my intention. It is this memory which encourages me. It says that Four) I may become what I will become become I already know how to accomplish this task. It is something that has been teaching me throughout my lifetime. Yes it is within my capacity to become that which I will become because I already have experienced this in times and ways which have left an indelible mark of succes on my efforts.

) I Act: My thoughts suggest areas of actions which I follow through on. Internally my actions are to remember and then stimulate the centers of my awareness that know that I am acting on behalf of becoming that I will to become. I continue to act because every action serves the memory of each success. I groove therefore the successful completion of the experiences under which I have chosen to Will to become.

Five) I Let Go: I have complete confidence in these procedures that I have remembered about how things and experiences come to be. I do not need to consider doubts nor do I need to think about exactly how everything will come to be. I need only reflect continuously on my successful completion of task or experience that I will to become. It is there that I achieve the success I will to become along with the demonstration of each action as it turns into the unified experience.

There is a theme which runs throughout. It is memory. This is the ability to recognize the both subject and object. It is a specialized way of tying together too of the initiation of Intention and promulgation of Will into verifiable experience. When we are able to become the myriad flavors of every experience that we may draw out from these experiences the various components of their demonstration into form. This is brought home to me in a singular way. Whatever I turn my attention to will then begin to reflect itself into my environment.

When I then remember or see that something which I was turning my attention to appear I can then recognize whether or not to continue my attention in this particular area. It then serves as a reminder to my listening consciousness that if I do not want these experiences to multiply I need to think about something else. In a strange and wonderful way this serves as an affirmation then for those things which I have chosen to think about and then allows me to get back to thinking about them as my memory of my five spiritual senses is set into irrevocable motion once again for the goal of becoming that which I will to be.

Consider this as a Zen koan for the year. Remember that which you will to be and then remember that you will to experience this something. It is your choice to use these tools in your own ways. They are by no means the only tools we have to use but they do serve as a reminder of the wondrous worlds of plenty that we all have in store for us when we learn how to think about that which we will be.


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