Thursday, January 05, 2006

Total Expression

Total Expression

The best way to open a locked door is to have the correct key. Concerning spiritual matters the correct key comes from the shape of our intention. It is this shape which forms the serrations on the edge of our key allowing it to open the door of heart's desire. This is an image rich experience. The more details you can make in the visualizations that you are imagining the greater your ability to not only find the door to your heart's desire but also to fashion the key which will open this door. The world exists as an overlay of Mind. A fine mesh of appearance clothes everything that we see. The world and all of its forms may even at times seem to cling to you like a cobweb you've just brushed away. Remember that when disturbing thoughts enter your sphere of attention. Be careful not to attach negative emotions to these thoughts. It will make it all the more difficult to effect their dissipation. It is the desire of the One that you be well versed in perfection. There are no hidden pathways here only the right way to accomplish your heart's desire. You asked for this instruction and therefore have to be ready to go through all of the steps that are necessary for completion. Time need not be a factor in this learning cycle. Perhaps then the best thing would be to unlearn time from its inception. This is no small task but it attainable in an instant's reflection. When you consider where thoughts comes from and the wonder of thought itself then time can be dismissed as a factor in the shaping of substance into intention. Everything is substance. The entire multiverse is your palette. Various skills will be called upon in your making. Their counterparts are Sculpting, Painting, Music, Dancing, Writing. Story Telling, and Crafting. We take all of these arts and apply them in subtle ways. Make everything happen the way it is meant to happen. Strive inside to fulfill the spaces of completion. I am there for you and represent the energy of focus. I am both memory and the skill of art. I create out of what I intend. My voice is a significant one. Increase your recognition of my voice and hear your fulfillment. Then look with my eyes and see it. Do not shy away from this direct approach. There are always thoughts. The energy of life must express itself. The organization of thought and the focusing of thought are new concepts that need to be repeated in order to become second nature. The intellectual understanding must be replaced by the actualization of understanding. The relative perception of time goes through various stages. It may be perceived slowly or quickly. When time is slowed thoughts may overtake time itself and effect the changes upon the multiverse needed for demonstrations of completion. Then when perceived time speeds up these changes begin to show themselves more and more. It is important that you learn to recognize within yourself the unique center of expression that you are. This center of expression seeks and knows the good work you are preparing within yourself. It opens up various centers of fulfillment that would otherwise have been left untouched. At the moment of extreme slowness push on through the thick clouds that seem to gather. In doing so the clear skies of freedom await you just on the other side. It is your thought that is making all of this happen to you in this way today. As awareness expands confidence in one's own abilities to flourish begins to build. There is a sense of joy that rides on the edge of the openings that each thought engenders. Move with your thoughts and follow their direction well past the points of harmonic resonance. Create within the emotional state of completion. Place yourself there now in as you begin your self reflection. This is a self defining moment. Go beyond the status quo. Feel the exhiliration. Tag this feeling and allow it to move within and without of your perceptions. Keep these rising feelings steady in your awareness. Do not allow them to dissipate. Promote them with your every effort. Why are we doing this? We are consciously changing our mind and then allowing the effects of these changes to show clearly in our surrounding atmosphere. Consider the totality of your body. Let your thoughts then go beyond the ordinary confines of your physical container. Like the hitter in baseball with a high batting average is told use the entire playing field. Use everything and be aware of your ability to be anywhere at all times. You may encompass an entire universe or merely the space of an atom.


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