The Priestly Blessing
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Numbers 6: 24-26

23 'Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying: On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel; ye shall say unto them:
24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
25 The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee;
26 The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. {S}
27 So shall they put My name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.' {S}
Consider that Aaron and his sons are the higher thoughts that you have been connecting with in your meditations. The children of Israel are all of those thoughts that resonate with your hearts desire. These thoughts have either been produced directly by your internal focus or as a result of any corollary excursions taken in mind as a result of thinking about your hearts desire. What you are aiming for here is making the connection between your higher self and your self projected images of manifestation. It is only through this connection that you may offer demonstration of the forms of your intention. Here is how you may begin.
First make the connection by accepting the connection and visualizing it all around you. Sometime the 'keep thee' part is translated as 'protect thee.' You are a tuning fork that is being carefully resonated to the vibration of holiness. In this vibration of holiness all of our worldly thoughts are left behind. We enter into the center of holiness in this way and reside there ready for the next step in this process.
The purpose of making your connection or at least become conscious of this connection is so that your thoughts and intentions are filled with the inspirations on high. There is always a way something can become accomplished. This way is often times unseen to our time bound eyes and we must therefore rely upon the something else that is all around us. We are asking here that not only are we in the right place so that this connection is established we are also asking to become a vehicle for connection itself in the outworking of the images we have been calling forth. In order to have the Lord's face shine upon thee, your presence is required. This is calling forth the totality of your being there. Then you are asking that since you are there to let the world then conform in its own way to those designs you have set upon it. All of this must be done in such a natural way that it becomes seamless. We are asking for a sympathy with grace or the bonding of our vibration with that of the vibration of grace which is the granting of the visionalized form. This second blessing then is about matching our projected form via the intermediary of the gracious connection we make.
Here is the matching of thought with form. It is the image becoming filled with the creative energy of fulfillment. It is our intention realized. The face or countenance of the LORD is none other than your idealized intention becoming filled with the certainty of completion. Only then can there be harmony of relation between thought and substance. Only then can we experience this peace of understanding.
This last part seals the deal. Listen. When you shall call yourself by the name of that which you are seeking to bring forth into this world then you shall realize the highest blessing. The Name of the LORD is that which you have placed on high. It is time to reach up for the Name and embody it as you were meant to do. This is the meaning of 'they shall put My name upon the children of Israel." This is speaking to all who would rise up within themselves to give new meaning to themselves via the blessings that are given freely by our own self recognition of their existence.
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