Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bahir 69-72

Herein the inner core of Kabbalah is discussed.

Bahir verse 69. What is the meaning of, "I heard a report of You and I feared, [O God, bring to life Your works in the midst of the years]"? Why does the verse say "I feared" after "I heard a report of You," and not after "in the midst of the years"? But it was "from the report of You" that "I feared." What is the "report of You"? It is the place where they listen to reports. Why does the verse say "I heard" and not "I understood"? [The word "heard" has the connotation of understanding] as we find (Deuteronomy 38:49), "A nation whose language you do not hear."

Commentary: Listen. The deepness of your revelation will astound you. Hear the voice within proclaim its sovereignty. The meanings we get from this verse arise from what is suggested. Give your thoughts now to a novel concept. Call it the reflective attention. The moment you begin to become inspired this reflective attention comes into play. It continues to operate as long as your inspiration lights the fires of your awareness. All reports mentioned above are the result of this reflective attention. Without this reflective attention no thoughts can enter into form for it is this reflective attention that verifies all resident thought forms and approves them for entry into manifestation. Call it advanced listening.

We continue in the next verse 70

Bahir 70. Why did he say "I feared"? Because the ear looks like the letter Aleph . The Aleph is the first of all letters. Besides this, the Aleph causes all the letters to endure. The Aleph looks like the brain. When you mention the Aleph you open your mouth. The same is true of thought, when you extend your thoughts to the Infinite and Boundless. From Aleph emanate all letters. Do we not see that it is first? It is thus written (Micah 2:13), "God (YHVH) is at their head." We have a rule that every Name that is written Yod He Vav He is specific to the Blessed Holy One and is sanctified with holiness. What is the meaning of "with holiness"? This is the Holy Palace. Where is the Holy Palace? We would say that it is in thought and in the Aleph . This is the meaning of the verse, "I heard a report of You and I feared."

Commentary: You see how thought must now be mentioned whereas before there is no mention of thought. The key to understanding this Bahir has been made clear. It is thought that is its leading edge. All throughout in what I've been calling Modern Kabbalah it is to thought that I am turning my attention to. The brain and thought and emanation are all mentioned in this verse. Then the head of thought is God symbolized by the name. In other words we cannot begin to think without recognition of where our thought emanates from. If we do we lose the thread and our plan becomes unravelled. When we remember to listen with 'holiness' then we experience this reflective attention and prepare the ground for our thought to be realized. The 'Holy Palace' mentioned is where our thought reigns. It is incredibly significant that thought hasn't been presented to us before and now in this verse thought is spoken of twice! When you listen deeply you know the signs which penetrate the mystery giving rise to revelations and all things that are one.

Come forward now and see the revelations that are wrought out of the next verse 71

Bahir Verse 71. Habakkuk therefore said: I know that my prayer is accepted with delight. I also delighted when I came to that place where I understood "a report of You and I feared." Therefore, "Bring to life your works in the midst of the years" ­ through Your unity. What is this like? A king who was talented, hidden and concealed went into his house and commanded that no one seek him. One who does seek is therefore afraid, lest the king find out that he has violated the king's order. [Habakkuk] therefore said, "I feared, O God, bring to life Your works in the midst of the years." This is what Habakkuk said: Because You name is in You, and You is Your name, "bring to life Your works in the midst of the years." Thus will it be forever.

Commentary: The closing sentence hits home clearly the image of thought coming to life or thought being manifested. This process is an eternal process. It must be so. The prayer of delight is the prayer in which you realize that your words are to become the forms you will see. Yes you do seek the hidden which is the manifestation of your thoughts. This King has been made King by our reflective attention. The realization of the great work is that our thoughts do produce the forms of our life. When we remember to begin with God or with perfection then everything else that carries through from Thought Into Form reveals the name. The one and only name which is completion and fulfillment. The manifested substance seen hiding there in the midst of the God emanation of thought.

Come further now. We're on a roll. See what verse 72 illuminates.

Bahir Verse 72. Another explanation of "Bring to life Your works in the midst of years": What is this like? A king had a beautiful pearl, and it was the treasure of his kingdom. When he is happy, he embraces it, kisses it, places it on his head, and loves it. Habakkuk said: Even though Kings are with You, the beloved pearl is in Your world. Therefore, "Bring to life Your works in the midst of years." What is the meaning of "years"? It is written (Genesis 1:3), "And God said, `Let there be light.'" Light is nothing other than day, as it is written (Genesis 1:16) , "The great light to rule the day, and the small light to rule the night." Years are made from days. It is thus written, "Bring to life Your works in the midst of years" ­ in the midst of that pearl that gives rise to years.

Commentary: See the pearl here most of all. It is the pearl of great price. This pearl is created by the accretion of mind stuff. Listen to what it says: 'Bring to life Your works,' which means see your thoughts through to manifestation. This is the purpose of all meditation. Then there follows 'in the midst of year' which is taken to be tied to light and to the passing of days. These days which pass are the opportunities for witnessing the grand events of your life and for taking hope and filling it with gratitude as your season of plenty arrives right on time. Bring to life your perfection of purpose that is what you have and are currently designing within your mind fashioned by the thoughts you are thinking. In the midst of the pearl that has been formed by the accretion of positive thought forms which now because of their frequency (days of light) and purpose (your intention) now come to pass as surely as each day forms itself out of the night.

This particular section of verses 69-73 concludes with the brilliance of verse 73 adding insight to purpose and granting illumination to inspiration.

Bahir Verse 73. But it is written (Isaiah 43:5), "[Fear not, for I am with you,] I will bring your seed from the east." The sun rises in the east, and you say that the pearl is day. [He replied:] I am only speaking with regard to the verse (Genesis 1:5) "And it was evening and it was morning, day." Regarding this it is written (Genesis 2:4), "In the day that God made earth and heaven."

The seed from the east is the sun. It is the light of your mind, the beginning of another opportunity to work on the fruitful bounty that is your heart's desire. Look what it says. The 'pearl is day.' How magnificent. We build within ourselves the day or the light of understanding which knows thought through to form. Imagine the facility we obtain in this process once we become aware of all of its many shining facets of discovery. A clarification is given as well here. 'In the day that God made heaven and earth' refers to the day of delight in which our forms appear and our understanding of this entire process is made clear. Day refers as well to the light that the pearl of your thought now shines forth. Everywhere you turn it is I am that reflects back to you the forms of your mind's eye. It is the pearl which glistens as a result of your reflective attention. This reflective attention knows what is going on and proceeds always from a point of certainly.


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