Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Bahir 93-94

We continue now with the Bahir and look up in amazement at what we may behold.

Bahir Verse 93. What is the reason for the blue? The watchman said, "Perhaps those assistant watchmen will say that the garden belongs to us." He therefore gave them a sign, and told them, "See this. It is the sign of the king, indicating that the garden belongs to him. He is the one who made these paths, and they are not mine. This is his deal." What is this like? A king and his daughter had slaves, and they wanted to travel abroad. But [the slaves] were afraid, being in terror of the king. He therefore gave them his sign. They were also afraid of the daughter, and she [also] gave them a sign. They said, "From now on, with these two signs, `God will watch you from all evil, He will safeguard your soul.'"

Commentary: The blue threads in the tzizit-tallis-prayer shawl represents the sky above and our connection with the above. The King and his daughter are the repositories of the source of connection. The King is the mystery of thought forever unknown. The Daughter is the mystery of thought forever being revealed. The slaves are the attitude lower thought to higher thought. They are subject to higher thought. The slave comparison is not as well understood in our times as in ancient times when slaves were common. The slave is taken care of by the master. There are commandments to this end in the Torah. Do not take the slave analogy literally but look for the hidden messages here. The above is always giving us signs for us to pay attention to. When we do all of our fear is removed. The one sign is to let us know it is okay to contemplate the unknown and that it is also okay to listen for the answer given by the daughter or the revealer of knowledge who accompanies us in our voyages abroad so to speak. The sign in both cases from King and Daughter are an inner recognition that all is well. It can be compare. The exposition continues in the next verse.

Bahir verse 94. Rabbi Amorai sat and expounded: What is the meaning of the verse (1 Kings 8:27), "Behold the heaven and the heaven of heaven cannot contain You"? This teaches us that the Blessed Holy One has 72 names. All of them were placed in the Tribes [of Israel]. It is thus written (Exodus 28:10), "Six of their names on one stone, and the names of the other six on the other stone, according to their generations." It is also written (Joshua 4:9), "He raised up twelve stones." Just like the first are (Exodus 28:12), "stones of memorial," so these are (Joshua 4:7), "stones of memorial." [There are therefore] 12 stones [each containing six names] making a total of 72. These parallel the 72 names of the Blessed Holy One. Why do they begin with twelve? This teaches us that God has twelve Directors. Each of these has six Powers [making a total of 72]. What are they? They are the 72 languages.

Commentary: The 72 Names of God. The ways of understanding are many. All of these ways are but pathways into the unknown calling forth the daugther from above to reside within our manifest being.
These stones of memorial are the stones of memory as when we pick a rock to carry with us to remember a task we want to complete. The Directors and Powers are the 72 languages. Again not literally but as a way of letting you know that speaking to the unknown is through the many voices of expression they we may employ from time to time. Take away the complexity and reveal the kernel of meaning which brings the daughter of the king into our way of being. Then may understanding truly be revealed.


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