Bahir Verse 76
There are three qualities that are emphasized in the following verse.
Let's see how they all come together.
Bahir Verse 76. What is the meaning of the verse (Habakkuk 3:2), "In
the midst of years make it known"? He said: I know that You are the
holy God, as it is written (Exodus 15:11), "Who is like You, mighty
in holiness?" Holiness is in You and You are in holiness.
Nevertheless, "in the midst of years make it known." What is the
meaning of "make it known"? [This means] that You should have mercy.
It is thus written (Exodus 2:25), "And God saw the children of
Israel, and God knew." What is the meaning of, "and God knew"? What
is this like? A king had a beautiful wife, and had children from her.
He loved them and raised them, but they went out to bad ways. He then
hated both them and their mother. The mother went to them and
said, "My children! Why do you do this: Why do you make your father
hate both you and me?" [She spoke to them in this manner] until they
had remorse and did the will of their father. When the king saw this,
he loved them as much as he did in the beginning. He then also
remembered their mother. This is the meaning of the verse, "And God
saw... and God knew." This is also the meaning of the verse, "In the
midst of years make it known."
First there is the quality of expression or the active interpretation
of inspiration brought about by the phrase, 'make it known.' This is
saying that 'in the midst of years,' or in the middle of time, stop
time and embrace timelessness. Timelessness is also symbolized by
the 'holiness of God' that is presented next. The phrase 'have mercy'
refers to the quality of choosing our good. Therefore in the moment
of inspiration choose your good. Be merciful even unto the holiness
that is your connection to your inner being. What does it mean to
say 'and God knew?' This means that our good cannot be ours unless we
choose it. When we choose our good or our thoughts of good we are one
with God in knowing our good. The story which explains this is
speaking about the adherents of thought. The mother or the wife of
the King is a thought which goes forth as closest to the King and is
the producer of the subsequent variations or permutations of the
ideas that emanate from King. The King hated them both, mother and
offspring because they did not reflect his will but were rather
against what he wanted to see take place. When the wife or mother
speaks to the children it is the same thing as our good now making
all of our thought atmosphere into a suitable place for the harmony
of the kingdom which once established allows the King to fully
embrace both Mother-Wife or first thought and the offspring of
thought which are the manifestations of thought as they appear and
grow through the changes in perception that occur throughout time but
remain constant in timelessness. It is therefore timelessness which
brings us back full circle to 'and God knew, and in the midst of
years.' This is to say that the holiness or sanctity of our ideas
must never be abandoned but always be foremost in our minds. It is
this sanctity or purety of intention that guarantees our perfection
in thought and in appearance as in the manifestation of our heart's
You may ask how come in Modern Kabbalah we keep coming back to 'our
heart's desire.' The answer is simple. We are self directed beings.
No matter what our level of compassion is for other's we are always
questioning what each experience holds in store for our personal
growth. Some may say that they perform acts with no thought of self gain,and yet it can only be with the highest thought of self that the hero jumps in to save the victim. No not for the glory of the act but for the glory of the self that knows no boundaries. The heroes who
willingly lay down their life do so because they believe in a
cause higher than themselves. In following the designs of their heart
in this manner they become one with this highest ideal. In this way
they have ultimately sacrificed for their highest aspirations or as
we would say for their 'heart's desire.' What we sacrifice for our
hearts desire is our ego and lower nature. By aspiring to reach the
totality of our being we put aside time and enter into timelessness
as the example above in Verse 76 illustrates. Practice timelessness,
holiness and their expression in your meditations this week. See how
all of these come together and feel the connection in your life and
in your breath.
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