Heaven is the place to be
Heaven is where your highest voice resides. It represents the epitome of mind-stuff. It is also where the Lord resides. The Lord is the directing current, the organizing influence, the attractor together of all higher thought and the spark that vivifies all lower thought causing transformation into higher thought. When you call upon the Lord you are asking for transformation to occur over many levels of being, starting with the way you think about your self. You are saying to the Lord, that yes I am ready for transformation, I open myself to this higher current and I listen for the spark that will transmute my lower nature into my highest awareness. When I call upon, I open. The Lord answers always to this call. Remember to listen for the answer throughout the entire time interval you bridge between your call and the Lord's answer. With practice you will hear this answer immediately. This is the purpose of your life, to learn to receive the answering call. To recap here, the answering call is heard where? In heaven. Therefore you carry heaven with to be at your beck and call.