Here is a little help from your friends in high places.
Direct your thoughts. Your mind inquires and expresses and bypasses meanings thinking that only meaningless life appears. This is but an illusion created by the lack of awareness that you have any control over your thoughts and their direction.
What we propose is that you change your mind. How? Like this. Make it up as you go along. Rise above your thoughts and see them from a distance turning those which are unpleasant into those which are pleasant.
Here is how again. Choose your thoughts as you would a favorite CD, or article of clothing, or girlfriend or boyfriend. The idea is this. What do you want to spend your time on. What thoughts do you want to have in your mind. Those which you create by your active choices or those which come in by default of those around you or the world you live in.
Use your mind in this way. It can be done I assure you.
The proof of this is my appearance here today.
Think on this. The first time I figured this out it blew me away. After that a lifetime filled with choices. My choices, my responsibilities.
You can have everything you want, but you must choose each moment what this will be.
Let go of thoughts which pull you down. Lift yourself up my friend. Once you succeed in changing a single thought and experiencing the change in emotion, and your life you will be hooked. Cool stuff right?