Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Making these connections

I am making these connections and then I am establishing myself in the world that ensues. This I keep on generating because that is the way I move forward into greater perfection of the vision I am reflecting upon. The cards all turn up in my favor now and each moment is an expectation of something even more wonderful. Such are the times in which the one of being lives these days.

The Alchemical Sun of my Awareness

     In Southern California it was raining. Usually at lunchtime my wife JJ and I take a walk but we didn't think we would be able to walk today. However after meditating on the sun of my awareness the rain stopped momentarily just long enough for us to step around the block. It was another signature lesson in understanding the beauty of our surroundings and how everything works together. I am is listening and is becoming that which is its focus. So much understanding in these words which make the worlds in which we live and move and have our being. In order to become one with the place that you are seeking both in mind and in kind, realize that your image making mind produces reflections. These reflections take the form of chemical reactions inside of the body so that our awareness may be literally lifted up. This lifting up provides us with the awakening of the observer who now plays inside of our bodies both in physical and non physical form. This play is to watch the entire world revolve around the images of our reflections. The feelings of plenty result and the images hold true to their becoming.
Here is partial explanation of the actual process of linking to the unified field theory including the subatomic reactions and the quantum physics which take place as a result.

     We have a negative reaction. This produces chemicals which produce unease, uncertainty and feelings of fear. These chemicals keep being produced by a mind that knows only how to react to these chemicals. They flood our system with negativity and in a sense force us to think of more negativity to explain these reactions. This leads to dis-ease and causes breakdowns in the body. All because we do not stop reacting to these chemicals of destruction. These chemicals also produce their own kinds of reactive states which bring about a declining state of your affairs. They do this by producing fields of energy which rotate in such a way as to leach off the energy of life itself. I am stating a drastic case here to make a point. The point is that there is something that we can do about this and we do not have to wait for any medicine to take effect.

     Stop. You are the observer. Recognize that your thoughts are yours to deal with. Any hurt you feel is yours to heal. Heal these negative thoughts by letting your observer reaffirm your right to be wonderful in every moment. Tell yourself, talk to yourself, give yourself every reason to be thankful, hopeful, grateful, joyful, etc, so that now instead of producing chemicals which pull down, you are producing chemicals which lift up, heal, expand and inspire. As these chemicals flow throughout your body recognize that this feeling of energy you have or this feeling of well being or confidence is inspired by the chemicals produced by your own positive thoughts. Forget about what is true in that every thought which brings forth your good can be your only thought. Any others are impostors. This is so difficult to remember but it is no impossible and with practive you can achieve a state of expanding mind. Expanding inside of the universe you are making inside of yourself. Your state of mind or your state of being produces an energy field which brings about positive fulfilling life experiences for you. Through immersion inside of the field of your own self produced feelings of wonder you establish connection with wonder itself. The wonder of changing your mind and being in the right place at the right time. The wonder of meeting the person who you are connecting perfectly with, the wonder of right work, right mate, and right action accompanies you throughout this process of intentionally becoming the next step in your own evolution.

     Quantum physics studies possibities. Atoms and particles and subatomic particles appear here or there. You cannot separate the observer from these observations. Predictions come true but once again the observer is the key element in the observation. This is how it must be. Metaphysically this is how our thoughts become form. The above example using chemicals in the body which are produced by thinking one way or another is a replication of quantum physics in action. Possibilities change according to where your observer stands and what he is looking through. Our lives change according to the distance we can postulate within in terms of the observation of our own state of being.

     Connections. Chemicals. Atoms. Particles. Sub Atomic particles. These are all ways to describe the way things fit together and how they come to be. A process is begun. There is a reaction. This we know for sure and yet our descriptions mean nothing unless we can apply it to everyday life and we are able to intersect our theories with the reality of forms in which we experience our lives. It is an interlocking puzzle with the pieces in constant motion. Ours is to determine the where or when we are to place our focus and with what degree of intensity we need to apply this focus. When Don Juan tells Carlos Castaneda to move his assemblage point in order to experience these other worlds he is speaking a world of wisdom. Move your own set of mind inscribed feelings to a place where they will always be free in their expression. This free expression is paramount to experiencing these other worlds in the midst of our present "normal" reality.

     All inspiration comes from that which is added to us from that which we have focused upon. The songs I write come from the thought of writing the songs and feelings of inspiration which are the overflowing of thoughts into form.

     You are all familiar with computer programs right. The program loads itself in Windows or MAC or Linux. It is really a program within a program. It is its own world subject only to the outside world of the operating system of which it is a part. Sound familiar. Our operating system is the totality of the universe. The programs we run are set into motion by the scripts in our mind otherwise known as thoughts or bundles of thought. These scripts execute the program, bring it into manifestation within the field of our awareness. We as the observer of our vision have the ability to reprogram our final outcome or the appearance of the opened program on the screen of our awareness. We also have the ability to change the pictures that we experience much the same way we can change digital images using programs such as photoshop. As the observer we are empowered to learn all we need to about the internal workings of our program so that when we want to make changes we will be able to do so with intelligence, and artistic facility.

     Your thoughts change in the moment because your feelings change. These feelings are affected by your reactions to outside stimuli. The paradigm we need to setup and maintain is to provide our own stimulus via the thoughts we are choosing to think in the moment. These thoughts are the thing itself. What comes of these thoughts are the experiences we see and recognize as being a part of the unity of our central expression. A mood of happiness prevails because no longer do we fight the inner convictions of truth which we allow into the expression of our consciousness. Ideas burst forth from these expressions making new strings of understanding which in turn produce the chemicals in our bodies which stimulate our connections to the unfolding world into which we are entering. Always the mind arrives first. If the mind leaves we cannot complete the cycle of development. Keep the mind there in choice. Let this choice be your success in body mind and soul. Triumphant and eternal is your birthright. To be that which you have chosen to be as you choose your best vision and then go on and make it better and better.

     As the moments pass by you grow into a feeling of being one step ahead of yourself. You plan, you act and then the action comes forth effortlessly. You know that this unity of heart and mind has produced the form of unity. Your acceptance is total because in every part of the ongoing action you can see your thoughts and all of their reflections. In this way you rise above every situation with an inner knowing that the outcome is certain to be good. This certainty of good is the sum total of everything that is ever taught about the inner wisdom. Symbols, rituals, traditions, are all a part of learning about inner wisdom but they do not take the place of your own direct experience of this inner wisdom acting upon you and the various experiences you partake of in your lives. Basically we have to walk the talk. There is no other way.

     Some of you may be able to read these words and have a lifetime of meditation based upon their inner and outer meanings. Others will run with this knowing it to be the exact way in which you can change your mind and your life. The important thing about everything which has been brought forth in these moments is the continuity of thought and your realization that you are the spider who spins this web of golden strands. The web. The nexus. the interface between one universe and another. Everything is so much more than we can imagine which is exactly what I am trying to show here. Not only to present what is but what can be and how this expands every meaning we've ever had about anything. As inspiring as these thoughts are, know that they are the outer strands of the inner understanding that is being unfolded here and now right before your eyes.

     Do not accept any less for yourself. Give yourself the most glowing reports which will serve to light your way all throughout the day. Then watch as areas of your life become illumined and blockages are miraculously cleared. Any anger is transformed and all fear turned into certainty. There is a place inside where all of these insights will come together. You do not have to look for this place but only to know that it is being formed each moment. Add to that which you already know for sure. Like Jesus said ..."to him who hath it shall be given." You are reflecting those images of your life that you most want to live in. Here is how to utilize the Alchemical Sun of your awareness to grow these images into the forms of life that they are to become.

     See the sun within where all your inspiration goes to and comes from. Visualize this sun as an actual sun with your personality the earth which revolves around this sun. You, the earth are mutable. You change. Your thoughts change. Open up to the understandings given here and feel the light of your inner sun awakening and vivifying every wonderful hope and dream you cherish. Let the light come shining through. Feel it activating and rising through the tendrils that you have placed out there in the form of your images of being. Experience the bursting forth into seed and then the blossoming into fragrance flowers as your images beautify your world with the forms of your imagination. Experience what you have always wanted. It is this experience which brings about the deepest felt desire to be. As you experience this allow the sun of your inner light full visibility so that everywhere you look you are this light. Beyond the brightness there is laughter and smiling eyes take in the new worlds of form just imaged into being.

     Here is another image for meditation. You are a feather floating on a stream. Depending upon which way you orient yourself you will either make it past any blockages in the stream or be caught in the floating debris. Your orientation makes all the difference in taking you all the way into the ocean of all being, or the totality of being. Every subtle turn lets you change your course as is needed to proceed along your way. When you achieve unity the central current carries you and every correction becomes preordained or in the language used above, you stay one step ahead of yourself. This can also be called achieving the state of expectation where thoughts are flowing effortlessly in response to each turn of the moments according to what is revealed along the way.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Vanishing Point

     Look at the horizon. There is a point beyond where you cannot see any further. Even if you are flying in a plane high enough to see the curvature of the earth there is still this vanishing point. It moves as you move. This same type of phenomenon occurs in your awareness of the thoughts you are thinking. Whenever you reach up for your most profound revelation you become aware that no matter how uplifting or inspiring your thought is, there always remains more to be discovered. This vanishing point of your awareness describes the nature of thought and how the universe of thought acts in perpetuity in raising the level of our consciousness.
     This means that no matter where we are in our thoughts we always have something wonderful to look forward to. This isn't a whimsical hope or a fervent prayer it is the nature of reality of thought and by extension the all appearances of form. It is very important to realize that this concept is a recurring factor in all growth oriented functions of our thinking, acting being.
     This vanishing point of our awareness is the certainty that things are getting better all the time. We operate within by the images we hold within our minds. This is why today you can place this image of the vanishing point securely in place for the coming year and for the timeless eternity all of us are moving towards. This image of the horizon receding before you may be invoked at any and all times. Especially when things do not make sense. Hold your thoughts on this image and all of the extensions of this image that are evoked within your mind. Perhaps you are struggling to build your own internal thought structure. Others may be nay sayers or negative influences. Keep focused on your own vanishing point of seeing your world change for the better before your eyes. In this way negativity will be left behind and your world will shape itself into image and likeness of your inspired thinking which grows as a result of the certainty that this is what is meant to be. You and your thinking become partners in the process of creation.
     In the beginning there is light and the light sees everything which is why it is light. It is the total expression of unity, the complete realization of every form, every action and all the reactions that ever are. Such a vision could not be anything but light. And yet the light does not know meaning until it sees its own reflection. This reflection is therefore in the nature of a dream in which meaning is discovered at every awakening.
     Now to tie these concepts together. Light is the vanishing point of our awareness every time we cross the threshold of discovery within. Light awakens us to the endless possibilities our lives contain. The way to reveal the light each time is by dreaming away the gross matter of time or our present condition. Using our image making power, which is after all our birthright inherited from the light, we take the substance of our being and reawaken ourselves to the overflowing of the light. This light flows into our lives by our attention to letting go of time (past or future) and allowing our present moment to become filled with the vanishing point of our awareness. This means that we can always be part of an inspiring moment simply by seeing this moment the same way we watch in wonder as the new horizon appears as we approach it. Expect the wonder, enjoy the splendor, and luxuriate in the magic of discovery anew.

Monday, December 20, 2004

The Theatre of the Imagination

We operate within our mind in the theatre of the imagination. Here all of the events of our life are played out in symbolic form.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Witness the discovery within

There is both an active and a passive demonstration which tell us what is taking place as we go along.


In order to begin anything we have to open ourselves to the inflowing of light.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

You and I

You have been placed in a position where you must contemplate that which you are. It is not a mistake that you are here. By your own internal inquiry you have been thrust face to face with both your higher callings and your resistance to that which you are being called to. It is a mystery only in so much as you elect to join in and figure out what is going on. There are many answers coming from many avenues. When you are open to receiving the light it is like this. Especially when you give yourself a suggestion to bring in more light, sometimes what you bring in is not what it seems initially. The separation of the dross must always occur. You are here to refine this dross into the substance of light so that it may be reunited with its maker. How else would we be able to call this self renewing system life unless we actively take part in the self renewal itself. You asked to understand the underlying processes. These events that take place in your life are mirrors of these processes. You asked for all power to know and be and do. With that power comes the responsibility to grow and shine forth with the light you are refining from moment to moment. By refining the light you are "redefining" your definition of who you are. You are the one who goes through these changes in order to bring forth that which you are seeking. Discovery occurs through transformation. This transformation occurs most directly from how your inner voice is speaking to you. There is much to be learned from the way you call yourself. Are you speaking as I or are you being spoken to. When you act as I there is separation between the thought and the fulfillment of the thought. This is a paradox it's true. You would think that by using I, you would be directing the energy your way. When you say (I ) will do this the energy is diffused as the source and the outcome are mixed. When you learn to accept your good it will come to you in this way by example. You will receive this calling or this substance and you will see the good that is all around you. By invoking the power of you, the source is touched and called forth as the activator of you. The (I) in this case becomes a silent (I).

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Name your good

     It is important to put things into perspective. When we do so we are able to see with enlightened eyes. Look around this world in front of you and consciously envision the world into which you would like to step in the very next moment. Color this world with everything you want. Give it peace and understanding. Have hope on every doorstep. Awaken within and brighten the skies of your awareness. Let your inner sun unfold and rise into the space before you. Yes this happens first of all in front of your inner eyes. Persist in your vision. Keep calling out to the world within world and make things better. Heal every hurt and open every door that has ever been closed to you. Gradually do this until you will feel yourself lifted up within. There will be an all over sense of well being that fills your mind. Draw your good unto you. Bring it here now and keep on thinking of new ways to bring your good into your life. The answer to how to do this is really quite easy. All you have to do is name your good. Remember that whole Genesis thing. Day 2,3,4,5,6-man all were declared good until in Genesis Verse 31
"And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good." Very Good. Extra special. Amazingly good. Incredibly Good. In short after every that he had made it was very good. What did God do?
God named his good. He called it very good. It wasn't enough just to be good. It had to excel in goodness.
What can we do here as the image and likeness of our creator? Name our good. Call forth the images in our mind and make them good. Continue making them good each moment in a constant meditation. What we will then discover is the same thing that God did after making everything good. We will discover that it is Very Good. Build up your good. Do not be content to have just a little bit of good, or random good, or just a passing good. Go for every bit of good that you can envision. Start with your thoughts and the way you look at yourself and others. Call yourself by your rightful name. It is good. That is your name. It is what you and all of creation were declared to be. Go back to basics. Go back to the beginning. Go back to your good. Since God is Eternal then creation is ongoing. If creation is ongoing therefore we are stilled being called good by God. Honor your Father and Mother. Your Father is your good that you've been declared since the beginning by God. Your Mother is the good that you yourself give birth to by making those images in your mind which name your good and place it before you in your world of each day. You then get to partake of your good as a child partakes of the bounty of his mother's love. Out of this love that you receive make more love and continue the flow of good. How do you do this? One good thought after another. Set yourself in motion. This motion is the movement of your thoughts to embrace the good that you are eternally a part of. Open up to this good. Be inspired by this good. Following your meditation unify with the world around you. Begin to notice the subtle changes that even a few minutes of this kind of meditation will bring. Look outside at the sky. If it was cloudy, notice breaks in the clouds where the clear sunlight is shining through. If it is nighttime notice the extra twinkling sparkle of the stars and planets. If you are with someone, notice the extra glow they have and how you feel about them is deepened. There is no end to this meditation. It simply continues and grows. Make use of it every opportunity you have. In the car, while waiting in line at the supermarket, taking a walk, before dinner, after lunch, on hold, waiting for your computer to boot up. You get the idea. It is the same idea as the SHMA ..........And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart. And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them
when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates..............................

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Make it happen. See it happen. Feel it happen. Play as though it is happening. Let the events proceed as they will with you opening up each world as you are walking into the vision of your making.

Change and then Everything

Look for it to occur right in the middle of everything. It is change and all around it is happening.

Friday, December 03, 2004

The Flying V and the Double Edged Intention-Extension

     The Flying V. We take this formation from the image of our two eyes resting on a point on the horizon. On this point lies the manifestation of our vision. It is called flying because in an instant it reaches its mark. The V formation allows us to resolve opposites and unify like forces into a field of maximum energy dispersal. The energy which is taken in and projected not only comes from our bodies but from the surrounding field as it is injected by this flying V. All of the energy inside of this V works to bring forth from the mystery the desired forms of renewal and transformation.
     The Double Edged Intention-Extension. Intention is our focus. It is returning in mind to the thoughts which promote our wants, our desires for what we want to see take place in our world. Each time we return to the initial or initiating thought it builds upon itself another layer of influence. These layers of influence coat the inside of our V giving it depth and resilience and the ability to operate within its own field of self containment. In addition to the primary waves of thought influences which include our initial projections and subsequent variations, we have the additional emotional component. Emotion is the binding force inside of the V and the operational energy which takes us all the way through into manifestation. Emotion directs the flow of thought into the pathways of formation that are in line with our intention. Emotion therefore merges with intention. Not just any emotions but those emotions which are positive-encouraging-uplifting-overflowing-and self renewing. These kinds of emotions act as a vortex of attraction for all of the energy needed to transform the mystery in the that which we would know.
     As we approach the mystery there is one more aspect of awareness that is brought into play. This is the extension of awareness or sometimes called the letting go of awareness. With our fixed intention in mind riding upon the emotional nexus we are continually pulsating with we come at last to the mystery. It lies there before us in all its ever present grandeur and magnificence. We do not blast our way through but rather extend the intention along the point of our V so that waves of positive energy are brought into patterns of wave like flows. These patterns extend into the mystery and there is a corresponding response. This response mirrors the flow of energy. As we persist we begin to experience the awakening of these flows in the forms of our imagination and then in the actual physical forms of our intention. What we have wanted appears. It appears first as a sign from afar that we are going to receive this gift we are giving ourselves. Then like a ship coming into shore it docks there within our imagination, and is fixed in place and then flows into form.
     This flowing into form is the extension which is the culmination of our art. As we begin to witness these miraculous events it is important not to fall into the unconsiousness of coasting. At this point more than ever we need to keep our emotional state of being at its highest level. We do this by checking in and saying Yes to our vision as it is being formed in front of us
     All illusions are cast aside, their energy reasbsorbed into the matrix of intention-emotion and a continuation of the form is released.
     To Recap: The Flying V formation of Intention Emotion is gathered into the matrix within the V. The mystery is approached and extension-expansion takes place all the while continuing the groove of Intention Emotion. The thing itself appears sometimes after many false reports, but in the end it is exactly what you are looking for. Do not accept anything less. Verifiable results may be achieved over the course of time developing into a miraculous way of living.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Extension is the mother of Invention

     When we are probing the mystery with our Active Awareness we find that by Extending our Inteniton in the direction of uncovering the truth, all is then continuously revealed. Images that were heretofore unnoticed now coming into being. A greater facility too is experienced in the manipulation of these images to become more coherent in terms of that Intention which is still going forth. Seek the farthest perimer within your awareness and seek to extend this perimeter. Encompass, understand and expand. As you progress the form becomes palpable. It's essence you begin to feel. This is a result of continuous attention which flows in the direction of least resistance. As you begin to let go of impediments the resistance becomes less and less.

A Little help for my friends.

Here is a little help from your friends in high places.

Direct your thoughts. Your mind inquires and expresses and bypasses meanings thinking that only meaningless life appears. This is but an illusion created by the lack of awareness that you have any control over your thoughts and their direction.

What we propose is that you change your mind. How? Like this. Make it up as you go along. Rise above your thoughts and see them from a distance turning those which are unpleasant into those which are pleasant.

Here is how again. Choose your thoughts as you would a favorite CD, or article of clothing, or girlfriend or boyfriend. The idea is this. What do you want to spend your time on. What thoughts do you want to have in your mind. Those which you create by your active choices or those which come in by default of those around you or the world you live in.

Use your mind in this way. It can be done I assure you.
The proof of this is my appearance here today.

Think on this. The first time I figured this out it blew me away. After that a lifetime filled with choices. My choices, my responsibilities.

You can have everything you want, but you must choose each moment what this will be.

Let go of thoughts which pull you down. Lift yourself up my friend. Once you succeed in changing a single thought and experiencing the change in emotion, and your life you will be hooked. Cool stuff right?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Wondrous Making.

There is then in the making of everything that goes before you the expectation of something wonderful happening to you because you have prepared the ground for just such a series of occurences. While you are awake you will see the results of all of this wondrous making and it will thrill you with the truth that it represents to you. Therefore be mindful in preparing the way each day before you. Walk in the ways of your Lord. The Lord is the presence of your good which you have the intention of witnessing in each day. It is Lord over you over you are always coming into contact with that which you have envisioned. When you learn the supreme power of this Lord you gladly await your entrance into the holiness which this represents. The place of being that is happening in the moment is caused by your connection to and adherence within to the concept of self renewal. Move the mind then into the place of being. Mind is always moving therefore direct this movement where you will.

Preponderance of Evidence

Think of an area in front of you lining out from your eyes in a V shape. Imagine that you are opening up the worlds of form you are to experience by through this inner awakening. It is an involution leading to evolution. It is a taking of the mind stuff into the awareness of being. You make your world your own by continuously developing this mind stuff. It is the mystery that is constantly unfolding according to the your finesse in activating its essence according to the alignment you are learning how to become a part of. It imagination that must become the strongest link to your unfolding awareness. It is the shaping of this imagination to reveal your good that you are working to become familiar to you. There is the combination of the flows of thought and imaging. Thought creates the images which must reach a place of internal stability before they start appearing into form. Your awareness of this process is at such a high level that it has always been difficult to isolate those parameters necessary for conscious control. In fact every manipulation of your mind is for the effect of growing more accustomed to these inner flows and arranging them according to your conscious direction. I listen for these images and make them up as I am listening. In addition to these images I make myself aware of the return flow of truth. This return flow of truth is the recognition of the matching flow of thought and form. It also is a buildup of these thoughts that evolves the mind substance into their forms. Palpable feelings, touching feelings, awakened feelings; all of these contacts are supreme in determining the outgrowth of completion. You will sense you are in the final stages now due to the last minute influences which are cascading into your awareness. The well is revealed to pour forth now its wisdom unto you as the overflowing of thought arranges itself by reflection and meditation. The internal is revealed more and more so that forms have now been lined up to be placed in perfection by your attention. We let them go and experience them now that they are fully mature in their growth.

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