Monday, June 28, 2004

The Rosetta Stone

     Thought Into Form will give you an understanding into the way your mind works. This understanding isn't just intellectual. It is a practical way to arrange your life so that you may realize the visions that you have. Your dreams can come true if you are able to turn your dreams into a conscious reality. Thought Into Form awakens the dreamer and makes you realize that you are the one who has set up every aspect of your life. In addition Thought Into Form provides a Rosetta Stone for deciphering all of the sacred writings throughout the ages. The understanding that you get from this will be your own. By using Mind and all of its inner avenues of expression you will be able to view every spiritual insight through the context of thoughts coming into form.
     This is a book about you. I wrote this to find out all about who I am and also how thoughts come into form. Along the way I discovered the common ground of I AM which links all of us together in a unity of being. Because of this unity you will be able to understand everything that is presented within. Thought is common to us all and happens in us in a similar fashion. The source of thought is the same for you and I. It is the choices we make that map out the individuals that we are. Thought Into Form celebrates the individual as the maker of his own destiny. It empowers you to become that which you are thinking. You learn also how to listen for that voice which is always speaking for your good. Everything is presented within as either a teaching and or an inspiration.
     The concept of the Lucid Spiritual is explained. It lets you see your life from moment to moment as a dream that is being changed through the agency of your thoughts. What you think about or not in every situation determines your perception of that situation. Because this book is written about the workings of the mind, it does not need to rely on the various symbols used to describe God, or deity as such. It therefore relies upon a direct experience of the Eternal, or the Mystery as described by the processes we encounter during our investigations of mind. The literature of holy writings uses metaphor and parable to illustrate its points. Sometimes this is difficult understand especially after we have to translate the writings into our native tongue. Often there is lacking something in the translation of these sacred texts. What Thought Into Form does is to take you inside your own mind and give you insights as to what you will find there. These insights provide a method for awakening and remaining fully conscious throughout the day. In this way confusion and doubts are removed as the growing awareness is able to recognize the truth of its own being.
     In the portion that covers the Torah, we learn to use our new found way of looking at the ancient text. In selected passages we demonstrate how our central topic here is always the process of thoughts coming into form. The same is true in the Kabbalah chapter which gives the underlying basis for Kabbalah. This inner receiving we are taught from Kabbalah is the knowledge of once again, how thoughts come into form.
     It is important when writing about these kinds of subjects that the clarity of thought always be maintained. The points that are made throughout Thought Into Form resonate not only from sentence to sentence but from chapter to chapter. Everywhere we are talking about the same process uncovering a little more each time we take another approach to this subject of thoughts coming into form.
     The result is a lasting paradigm that you can take with you. Your life situations may challenge you but when you have the means to see through to the heart of each moment, you will always be led into the paths of peaceful reflection. It is this quality of peaceful reflection that makes possible the ultimate goal of Thought Into Form. It is to be able to live your life without regret from moment to moment. Every decision you make will be based upon the truth of knowing your own mind. You will see that by becoming one with the thoughts in your mind you will experience your life increasingly with deeper and deeper satisfaction. This is because you will always have the highest correspondence in mind with what you see before you in form. It is this kind of peace which truly does pass all understanding.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Here and Now

It is here and now that I watch my vision coming into form In this place and at this time. It is the focusing of my attention letting go into mystery each moment that brings forward this vision set before as form. It passes now into manifestation. There is never a time when it has not come to be. It isn't justs all around me but it is everywhere at once present throughout all of creation. In this way the established form demonstrates its connection to the unified thoughts issuing forth from moment to moment along this path of realization. It is by my attention that I receive that which I have always received. It happens now and then again as each moment verifies my attention. Here I am at the point of the mystery always and I move forward with confidence knowing I will be following my own thinking into experience. Everything that I am doing within and without is perfect. There is absolutely no other way than to follow my thoughts into form. It is upon me and is in this place that I recognize the form.

Here and Now

It is here and now that I watch my vision coming into form In this place and at this time. It is the focusing of my attention letting go into mystery each moment that brings forward this vision set before as form. It passes now into manifestation. There is never a time when it has not come to be. It isn't justs all around me but it is everywhere at once present throughout all of creation. In this way the established form demonstrates its connection to the unified thoughts issuing forth from moment to moment along this path of realization. It is by my attention that I receive that which I have always received. It happens now and then again as each moment verifies my attention. Here I am at the point of the mystery always and I move forward with confidence knowing I will be following my own thinking into experience. Everything that I am doing within and without is perfect. There is absolutely no other way than to follow my thoughts into form. It is upon me and is in this place that I recognize the form.

Here and Now

It is here and now that I watch my vision coming into form In this place and at this time. It is the focusing of my attention letting go into mystery each moment that brings forward this vision set before as form. It passes now into manifestation. There is never a time when it has not come to be. It isn't justs all around me but it is everywhere at once present throughout all of creation. In this way the established form demonstrates its connection to the unified thoughts issuing forth from moment to moment along this path of realization. It is by my attention that I receive that which I have always received. It happens now and then again as each moment verifies my attention. Here I am at the point of the mystery always and I move forward with confidence knowing I will be following my own thinking into experience. Everything that I am doing within and without is perfect. There is absolutely no other way than to follow my thoughts into form. It is upon me and is in this place that I recognize the form.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Invocation - Words of Power

I bring this into being. I manifest this. I see it here before my eyes today. I make the signs of which only I am cognizant and which only respond to the will of thy own making. These signs are made throughout the day and grow in power as their use is facilitated by the awakening will to mind. I direct the specific energies for the thing itself into their exact places for their demonstration. Thought rolls into Form. Imagination is the key that will show the way. Mind connects, Will directs, Spirit transforms.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Waters Above Are Overflowing.

Keep the fountain overflowing. It is out of this abundance that the world of form coalesces into view. Allow for a smooth flow beyond the edge of your awareness. Issue therefore from the source into the next imagination that appears. Always maintain the fulfillment within so that pool of manifestation will always be filled.

Monday, June 21, 2004

The Energy of Transformation

The energy of transformation is your intention to transform your entire world around you. All along you have been transforming your thinking to rise up into the highest awareness of being. By bringing forward this concept we are able to pinpoint the kind of attention that you need to bring to concentrate your attention upon within. The entire cosmos is at your disposal. Your attention can reach out to the farthest edges of everywhere. All of the perceptions that you have within are mirrored in physical seeing. As you visualize these transformations taking place they are happening everywhere all around you. It is a subtle process yet it is all powerful in that the changes being made will make you a witness to their demonstrations. You transform the world that is into the world that is to be choosing to enter into this world as it is becoming a reality. In accepting this world to be you are letting go of every world you have previously chosen to be a part of. This includes every uncertainty you may have had about where you are at in the present moment. This place refers to where your thoughts are and the type of thinking that you are experiencing. The entire purpose of all transformation is the deep transformation which leads to a sense of peace internally. This peace occurs because there is a harmony within and without. Everywhere has been transformed. Therefore there is a unity in every thought that comes in no matter what the context is.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Make up your Mind

I remember asking someone how they were doing this morning. They replied. I cannot tell yet. It was an honest answer. When they asked me how I was doing I replied that I was doing good. This was an honest answer as well. At the time what I was doing internally was knowing my mind and my thoughts and choosing what I needed to think about in the exact moment that I was thinking about it. The layers of meaning were also there to remind me that the strength of my thinking depended upon what I accepted as being fully in line with the desired outcome I wanted to see in my life in this moment and in every moment to come. The person who I passed was younger and I knew from experience that they had many doubts about who they were. This is common at any age but especially with a young man who is trying to be so many things that are put upon him by the external exigencies of our modern world. My first thought about his answer was that he couldn't make up his mind because he did not know his mind. He had doubts because his thoughts were like being in a crowded mall, and trying to have a conversation. There were so many impinging ideas in his mind. He did not know which to latch on to. I knew that this condition was a common one for all of us. It keeps occuring until we recognize that we can make a difference in the quality and substance of our thinking. Gradually we are able to sift through the layers of noise that come through and see the true self shining through. This isn't a mystical vision that we have. It is a very real permanent connection. We grow to understand this voice within and to distinguish it from the myriad others which may be vying for our attention. When we connect with this internal voice we are guided perfectly according to the life path that most fulfills our need to express our particular gifts in the world around us. Our lives then become a flow of movement from our thoughts into form. This progression of movement is a natural outpouring of the attention that we are learning to focus our minds eye upon.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Affirm the light - Deny the Illusion

What you hold in mind, that you reproduce in kind. This is the simplest way to explain what life is all about.
The question is where are your thoughts and what do you have to do with them? What is your role as a thinker or a being of thought?
You are both. You reach up. You enjoy the harvest. If you reach down then you experience the famine or the lack of a thing. Look up and make every good thought a part of you. Deny the lower sight. This denial is a very important part and cannot be neglected.
The negativity must be denied as in:

"Get thee behind me ................"

The light must be affirmed as in:

"If you find yourself looking at something and it doesn't seem quite right,
you've got to turn your head and your mind around and face it towards the light." From a song called Lovers Mansion by JJ Slim

The concept of illusion and letting go of illusion is a very tricky idea. Here is a way to break this down into more acceptable chunks of understanding. When we say let go of the illusion because its not really there, this means that by seeing correctly, you can see the essence or truth of a thing. This is the goal of Active Listening.

What is life all about?

What you hold in mind, that you reproduce in kind.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Query Letter

     Please consider representing my me and my book Thought Into Form. I want you to be knocked out by Thought Into Form and represent this work with passion and enthusiasm. If you cannot I will understand and move on. Why should you represent me and try and convince a publisher that Thought Into Form would be an excellent property to purchase? The first reason is that by reading this book it provides an instant value to the reader. It works. If you want to know how to plant tomatoes buy a book about how to plant tomatoes. If you want know how to bring your thoughts into form in such a way as to improve the quality of your life and those around you, buy Thought Into Form. When a reader perceives value for his purchase whether that value is increased knowledge or entertainment he is going to make that purchase with a whole heart. I offer the reader the value of knowing his own mind. Nothing is closer to the reader then this. This is accomplished painlessly. The only effort is to read the words. They make sense. There isn't anything to figure out. Thought Into Form is like looking through a kaleidoscope. Every place in the book offers another spectacular vision of your favorite subject, you.

     Thought Into Form needs to be savored like a extra fine wine, or a favorite memory. It is one of those books that you can pick up and choose any place in the book to be inspired by. It is like tapping into a circuit of supercharged spiritual energy. Don't let the word spiritual put you off if you are a casual reader and read mostly for entertainment. Thought Into Form has stories interspersed throughout, which will entertain you as well as provide you with "jumper cables" to quick charge your mental atmosphere.
It is easily read. Each section broadens the scope of your overall understanding while maintaining the focus on the central topic.
     I offer you a vision. Stacks of books on a table in a bookstore, every bookstore. Customers walking by say.
     "What is this?" They pick up the book and are immediately intrigued. Their next question is
     "What is this about?" They do one of two things after reading the front cover. First they flip to the back to find out more about the book. They are inspired by the quotations from the book. Their second act is to open the book at random. They read more and a smile comes to their faces.
     "This is incredible." They say and wonder to themselves if the whole book is like this. They leaf through and confirm their initial interest. They may at this point walk away with the book in hand having already made up their mind to purchase it, or open the book to the table of contents, and then the preface. At this point they are hooked. The book is not only sold at this point but the reader now goes home with expectations for a wonderful cherished reading experience. Some readers may happen to glance at my awesome picture and be so taken that they race for the cash register and .........okay, just kidding. Still, you never know.
     I make use of more than one voice in describing this process of thought coming into form. The voice of the teacher begins by setting up a basic understanding of the elements in mind that take shape according to the way our thoughts begin to take form. The voice of the sage, the all knowing one offers insights and affirmations. The voice of the poet-songwriter further continues to blend descriptions with the feelings that are evoked throughout from the initial vision to the out pictured form.
     Everything about Thought Into Form is unique. It has a pacing that is both intuitive and reflective.
Here are the Chapter Headings:
  • Chapter One     Spontaneous Awareness
  • Chapter Two      Listening to the Voice Within
  • Chapter Three   New Worlds Discovered
  • Chapter Four     Torah
  • Chapter Five      Meditations
  • Chapter Six       Kabbalah
  • Chapter Seven   Secrets
  • Chapter Eight     Meditations and Beyon
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  • Chapter Nine      Concepts
  • Chapter Ten       Unity Equals One

  • I am excited about Thought Into Form. It works for me. When I scan a section it lifts me up. This isn't because I have written it and I am getting an ego boost from it. It is because the ideas I read about place me in a better state of mind. I realize that this book already is a best seller. Why would I think that? You know that answer. I wrote the book about how this is to come about by writing, Thought Into Form.

    The book is finished. I am still polishing here and there until it is picked up. Sample chapters are available by mail, email, or via online link. I would like you to read this book simply for the benefits it would share with you. This is regardless of whether you decide to represent me or not. It will help you in your business as a literary agent or as a person who is trying to make their lives better in every way. It is that strong. If I have convinced you enough to pursue this further please contact me.

    Here is a Link to Chapter One

    Thanks in advance for your consideration.

    Best of everything good now and forever,

    Mark Siet

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