In time all things
The same clear thinking level headed response can be counted on when biding your time for the demonstration of your vision.
What is full consciousness? It is knowing that you are part of a unified field. This field contains both your thoughts and the forms of their manifestation. Here I discuss the way everything works and how to apply these principles in our daily life. I refer to Kabbalah, Torah, Zohar, Bahir, New Thought, short stories and affirmations to illustrate this unified field of thought and form. The best is yet to come. Thanks for stopping by. Mark Siet - Author
The same clear thinking level headed response can be counted on when biding your time for the demonstration of your vision.
When one thing changes everything changes. This is compared to when you are seated in a certain place within everything that you look out upon can appear different according to this vantage point you are maintaining. Every plateau in thinking comes about as a result of the maturity of this thought process. Some of the factors in determing this maturity are the tests this structure of thinking energy has gone through. When these thought networks are capable of giving off energy without feeding on other thoughts they are known to be self sustaining in their orbit around the mindset of your physical being. There is no decaying of the orbits here because mind has learned to reach up for steadily renewable adjuncts to this thinking. all of your efforts are in the moment to be alert for everything which leads you into the raised consciousness. You can ignore everything around you to be there. By your efforts you do find yourself right where you have predicted through your intention of where you want to be. Finding this out at any point in this process is one of the strogest affirmations you can make within. This is because no wyou are seeing that which you have been thinking. You are not only seeing and experiencing these concepts but seeing them raised to the next highest level. It is a progression that we are working on here. We move through each area naturally. Time and place have no meanings anymore. The horizon is now upon you. The closeness of your perspective gives you a feeling of completion. The end started out in mind, then it comes into view and now it is integrated within your manifest being. See now those worlds upon worlds without end all come into view. These are the worlds of meanings that have been invoked by your consistent effort.
When you open your mind to your highest awareness this in turn causes movements in the upper above where all the connections to every world are constantly coaslescing into form. These forms are plastic in nature as their substance changes according to the quality of your thinking. It is always towards these openings that every effort is directed into.
Thought moves upon itself. An action is visualized in mind. Perhaps a scene is played out with feeling. it takes on the quality of already being there. The mind then further sharpens its foucs. The details are brought into more resolution. Complexity and texture make the scene "more" real. You begin to have the feeling of the Certainty of this scene. Open yourself up to area of influence that brings this scene to life. Expand within. Accept the possibilities.
Satan is a construct, an artifice, a conglomeration of projections. In short there is no such thing. Satan is the ultimate in projection, like a hundred mile of bad road where everyone discards their refuse. The height of folly is to assign any persona to that which is nothing but a lot of hot air.
You are not outnumbered. There is only one. That is you. You need to change your mind from fear to Certainty. How? Try and think of reasons why your thoughts are secure from the influences of others. Recognize that within you is the will to good. This means that left alone your thinking would naturally rise to its highest level. If you are having a problem listening to good thoughts, take one thought perhaps this one here and expand upon it. That is the nature of you. Have confidence in yourself and build upon this. No one else can put this there. You will be amazed once you start this process how others will remark on how self assured you are. You set the bandwidth for your internal listening.
In every thought there is correction. As you are thinking there occurs a series of meanings. Anyone of these meanings can be corrected along the way. Think of this as trimming your sails to run against the wind. This wind you are running against is the egos ill conceived thinking which can throw us off course if we aren't ready at the tiller of the mind. We must be determined to keep to our course and make the necessary corrections whenever they are called for. This must become second nature to us. We are all seasoned sailors in mind. We all have these experiences of calms, storms and shining bright clear days. There are waters where we sail within that move us along according to our familiarity with these waters. This common inner knowing can be strengthened by paying attention to what we are thinking. This attention to our internal dialogue is the major focus that mind provides self awareness for. By recognizing that we can change our mind everything becomes possible in our lives. We can correct our course moment by moment along every avenue of realization. This is called freeing the mind and activating the Spontaneous Awareness. Go with the moment as your thoughts are soaring free and high in the upper reaches of forever. You also learn to play as you go. Let your awareness create those situations for yourself that you would most like to experience. The focus then becomes a complete letting go. Any second thoughts defeat this purpose. Move now quickly and accept what is there for you. It is the banquet of the Eternal there for your tasting and for your complete satisfaction. When the sails of your imagination have been set and trimmed, kick back and enjoy the ride. Smoothly then flowing out of your inner being is the awesome awareness of One. Connect. Connect. Complete the circuit.
Take yourself out of the ordinary and into the uncommon world of Certainty. The only entrance into Certainty is by the most direct route.
The unknown awaits you yet somehow you already know what is there. It is the experience of being in two places at one time, and also letting go of time and place. Every internal inquiry opens up another aspect of your awareness. There is no end to this oepning up. When you reach for it you feel it. There is a return wave as understanding flows upwards meeting its connecting source. You have brought this along this far and will continue to move this endlessly forward. Watch for every new awakening.
Make it happen anyway that you look at it. It is the way you look at it that makes what you are seeing at the other end of your vision.
I am already there. It is curious to be there at this place in time. It truly is seeing the end and knowing that it is good. This aspect of knowing is an integral part of the field of demonstration. In many instances this being already there is just a feeling. This feeling is however more deeply explained and worked out whenever the inquiry is directly in this kind of self conscious way. In order to know the field completely, each aspect is therefore examined in detail. Mind cannot know any lack of detail. Each renewing phase of expression contains those necessary reference points which subdivide and open up the awareness for continual influx of creative energy. Your inner vision expands because you are in effect increasing the diameter of the collecting lens of your awareness. This can be compared to seeking out galaxies without with a 60 mm lens or an 8 in lens. There are worlds of resolution here.