Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Make it happen anyway that you look at it. It is the way you look at it that makes what you are seeing at the other end of your vision.
Keep your mind attuned always for the unexpected. There is a letting go into each moment that will lead the way.
Now I understand what it is I need to know. It is how to move forward with the single determination of the unity of being. It is the encounter of self taking with it the full functionality of manifest being. I bring forward that which is and that which is to be. I am a part of both of these linkages. They are taking me into the places I have set before me. It is these visions that paint the pictures of my world. I simply keep up the momentum of being in the moment. Each new horizon requires a leap of faith. These leaps of faiths build until you are continuing along with certainty in each moment. The elimination of time as a factor is accomplished with each awakening. These thoughts build of themselves. The energy is customized for each entryway into the magnificence of the unknown. Stop. Pause if you will. The vistas are always awesome to behold.


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