Thursday, February 24, 2005

The colors of certainty

I have the certainty for making this happen. At times it seems that certainty comes in like the weather. One moment it is there and the next another feeling is in place. I want my certainty to be there like the earth beneath my feet. I want to be sure of it so I can count on it in every moment. Right now I have the idea of success. I have made visions and felt feelings of what success would be like. I can call these feelings to mind at a moments notice. I can wear them like garments of many colors.

The Waiting Game

     Some inspiration on the road to success.

     "I am going to wait and build the presence of my purpose along with my waiting. This presence of my purpose is my conviction that I am going to succeed in my endeavors. I have already succeeded by writing these books and continuing to write others. I have already succeeded in attracting the attention of agents and publishers at the highest levels of this industry. My writing is impeccable. It works as designs. My manuscript Thought Into Form is truly a self fulfilling prophecy as I have stated in my queries. The attention that I am getting now is because of my certainty in this process of thoughts coming into form. All of my doubts I cast aside so that the light of fulfillment may shine freely through. My fulfillment is the already accomplished appearance of Thought Into Form on the New York Times bestseller list. Everything that comes into being starts out as a vision. I accept the wonder of my vision becoming form and allow it to take place in its own way."

     Feel free to substitute your own work(s) in place of mine in the above piece. A young man I knew once asked me while he was playing a game out on the grass in my front lawn. He asked me,
     "How much pie can I have?" I told him,
     "As much as you want but not enough to make you sick."
He was an inquisitive child. Then he asked,
     "How much laughter can I have," I skipped a beat and then began laughing so hard I fell down and soon he was doing the same thing. After a breathless while I looked over at him and smiled, "I guess you have your answer right?"
He rolled over contentedly and resumed playing his game.
That's the waiting game for all it's worth

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Status Quo

     In order to move anywhere you have to step off of the ground you are currently standing upon. When you do this you interrupt the status quo. You have to make new choices which come up more frequently the further away you are from the status quo. You are then actively engaged in bringing in the inspiration that your hiatus in the status quo has been waiting for. Active seeking. Here you reach up for your highest thoughts and arrange them into the new thoughts upon which you build the new world that you are making with these thoughts. Once again it doesn't have to be a difficult task. The key elements are, one to remember to act in concert with your higher awareness and two, to act without looking back. When you follow the smooth flowing of your thoughts in such a way you are assured of reaching new ground. In this very special way you will find yourself moving forward with all of your strength, power, beauty and magic at your command. You will know in truth the feelings associated with cosmic consciousness. You will have risen above the highest levels of mind and see all things revealed in the overmind.
     The overmind is the new concept that is directly apprehended as a result of your active seeking. Once you first cross the threshhold of the overmind the territory seems familiar enough. However, every movement requires your active seeking. You are made especially aware of this because the lack of active momentum appears as a void to you. In your seeking it is mind that you find by circumscribing the undifferentiated substance with actively generated thought. This is thought that moves in the direction of your intention. This is the difference between being in Mind and being in OverMind. In Mind you remain in the flow and are somewhat bound by the nature of events taking place. In OverMind all events are under the auspices of active seeking.


Status Quo

     In order to move anywhere you have to step off of the ground you are currently standing upon. When you do this you interrupt the status quo. You have to make new choices which come up more frequently the further away you are from the status quo. You are then actively engaged in bringing in the inspiration that your hiatus in the status quo has been waiting for. Active seeking. Here you reach up for your highest thoughts and arrange them into the new thoughts upon which you build the new world that you are making with these thoughts. Once again it doesn't have to be a difficult task. The key elements are, one to remember to act in concert with your higher awareness and two, to act without looking back. When you follow the smooth flowing of your thoughts in such a way you are assured of reaching new ground. In this very special way you will find yourself moving forward with all of your strength, power, beauty and magic at your command. You will know in truth the feelings associated with cosmic consciousness. You will have risen above the highest levels of mind and see all things revealed in the overmind.
     The overmind is the new concept that is directly apprehended as a result of your active seeking. Once you first cross the threshhold of the overmind the territory seems familiar enough. However, every movement requires your active seeking. You are made especially aware of this because the lack of active momentum appears as a void to you. In your seeking it is mind that you find by circumscribing the undifferentiated substance with actively generated thought. This is thought that moves in the direction of your intention. This is the difference between being in Mind and being in OverMind. In Mind you remain in the flow and are somewhat bound by the nature of events taking place. In OverMind all events are under the auspices of active seeking.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Thy Will or My Will

How are we to understand the differences if any between my will and Thy Will. Thy Will is what the creator wants for us. It is what we are here for, our reason for being. My will is what I want for myself. What Kabbalah would call for the self alone and yet there is a paradox. In the boiling down essence of the actions that we perform every day who is it that we serve. For example Mother Theresa was certainly a selfless person or was she. At the end of the day she was satisfied. The life she lived she chose. She had to make every choice in giving so much of herself to others in need. In this way she achieved satisfaction, an inner peace. All who were in her presence remarked about this inner peace. She knew what she was here for. She not only accepted this but she embraced it. She knew who she was and what her relationship to God was. Mother Theresa could say that her will was the same as God's will, or Thy Will. She gave herself willingly to God but what she gave she also received. If she believed that God was all there was then for Mother Theresa all she was doing was to give herself back to herself each and every day. It becomes a closed loop. God took care of her. Mother Theresa's intention in loving God surrounded her with God's love. This is a love she poured out everyday from the essence of her being. She made choices within about the thoughts she was thinking and broke everything down into service for God and Jesus Christ. These were her symbols of salvation and redemption and sacrifice. This is her life we are talking about yet we can draw parallels with our own lives.

Once we become more of who we already are we attain the Godhead, or our will, the my will becomes Thy Will. In time there is no longer any distinction. Thy Will transforms my will, into My Will, the will to good that I am directed by each day. Each of us can only make this transformation by our own efforts and the ever present God force which permeates our being. By achieving and going for what we choose to think about in our lives we are activating Thy Will to transform our intentions which begin small into the greater glory of My Wil. This means that I take responsibility for my thoughts and my emotions. My responsibility then becomes an act of listening for the best thoughts I am capable of thinking. In doing so I am connecting with Thy Will. In each moment I direct these thoughts and feelings according to my best efforts, or Thy Will because I myself am directed to do so. I am guided by Thy Will which is fast becoming My Will and this inner journey is made easier when I recognize the overpowering presence of Thy Will throughout my days. I link up with Thy Will and then find My Will realized all over the place. I then find my self saying in unison. Yes this is good, very good. This is so good that I will keep finding new ways to express these good feelings. I will share this good and take it with me wherever I go. This good I will use to inspire those around me in ways both seen and unseen. I willingly become an instrument of wonder coursing through life now as a way shower and revealer of Thy Will. I cannot claim Thy Will for my own but I can immerse myself so much in Thy Will that My Will is One.

What is My Will? My Will consists of all those thoughts I bring forth from nothing due to my desire to live a better more fulfilled life. My Will is the act of transformation which occurs as my thoughts and acts align themselves freely with Thy Will. I listen for what I want to experience. I choose my experiences. Why? Because this is my purpose to be who I am. When Moses asks who is it that speaks to me, the still small voice answers"I Am that I am." In all of the Bible both old and new testaments there is no clearer picture of what our calling is to be.
It is I am that I am. Be who you are. Know yourself. All of these suggestions come from within. It is telling us that we can reach for the stars if we want to as many of us already have. Listen to that inner voice that tells you anything is possible. Dream your dreams and keep them in front of you. Write them as the prayer in the Bible called the SHMA tells you, "on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Your house. Your gates. Your physical being. Your eyes, the inner windows to your imagination. Make it up as you go along and enjoy yourself in the process. Remember to keep your thoughts "holy," and always think about good things so that your harvest will be bountiful. This is the meaning of the continuation of the SHMA. Think good. Make good visions within so that your imagination is filled with the wonder of your making. Extend your vision and be thankful for these thoughts you are bringing forth. In this way the garden of your imagination is watered with the fertile soil of your connection with One Will. One Will is the unification of Thy Will and My Will.

Enough for now. Happy thoughts!

Make this the moment

Instead of waiting around for something to happen make this the moment. Degree by degree move forward into your making.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Reach up on high

When I reach up on high invariably I get an answering call. A feeling of lightness occurs. My thoughts lighten. The clarity of vision increases. The inner voice become more accessible and certainly more positive in outlook. I have my good placed right before me. I relax the tension of striving and accept the peace of fulfillment. In body and mind all of these changes take place. There can only be but one outcome and this outcome is echoed in my thoughts. I prepare the table in front of me. Tell me something good in these next few moments. Teach me about the timing of thought and form. Show the connecting threads and define for me the function of emotion as it relates to the quickening of thought into form. I require a deeper understanding, a more focused way to think about this. It is inevitable that I come to this point in my study. All along I've been led here to the entrance to this holy of holies. The help I require can only be asked for in confidence of the answering response. The door opens here from the inside out. Show me the way now as I rely upon you entirely for my vision, for my sight, for my steps that go from here to where I want to be. Take me in slowly but with increasing happiness as I recognize my way around here. Build for me this world out of my understanding and out of the work I've joined in. Once finding you I no longer seek but ask and then direct this flow to thee to respond in thy way. It is the essence I am speaking to and about. Link me in body and mind with thy presence eternal.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Mystical Experience

Forty-five minutes of light. An experience that redefines the way I look at the world around me. At first it was difficult even to open my eyes because of the brightness appearing all around me. Especially I felt the activation of the thousand petalled lotus. I was everywhere. I was somewhere. Nothing happens without a direction. It is this direction which is the most amazing of all. I am being taken here and enjoying the ride.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Making the Temple within. The Mishkan

Making the Temple within. The Mishkan

     In the Bible Exodus 38:21-40:38 instructions are given to build the Mishkan, or the Temple. While this is an outer temple to house the spirit of the Lord it is plain to see when we view these passages with the lens of mind that we are being told exactly what it takes to build the temple within. This temple within is built expressly for attracting the presence of God or spirit to our inner being so that we may be at one in body, mind and spirit with our creator who is one. The lens of mind uses the symbolism of the Bible as another way of explaining how thoughts are born in mind and how these thoughts become the forms of our life. Many have been the explanations of this particular passage in Exodus, but none to date have addressed the magical operations that take place in order for each individual to experience these feelings of divine holiness for themselves. The following is a breakthrough meditation, which explains what is taking place within this temple and how we may make use of our internal imagery to build this temple within. The effects of such a construction make use of a blend of magical forces in order to arrive at the desired location. Holiness. Where thought and form coalesce and the mind stuff is under the dominion of the will aligned with the Eternal.
     Attract the spirit by directing the energy within. Bring the focus to a point. Remember the location. Use this memory to send everything good into this energy flow. Know that this movement is for your increasing awareness of this spirit inside complete with all the feelings that result from this collection of associations that make this spirit shine. Expand within and concentrate the energy. Continue this process. Bring forth in your making the confidence of certainty. Smile within the sure smile of success. Notice that there are places where the light hasn't seemed to enter. Consciously direct the light to these areas of darkness. Accomplish this with a steady sure emotion, which celebrates the consciousness that is being transformed in the moment. Each time transformation occurs there is an answering response within. This is sometimes felt as an overflowing of feelings or warmth descending from above to below and then back again. Many times this answering response is delayed, however, it is possible with practice to simultaneously receive the answering response with the sending forth of light. The areas of darkness, which are being transformed, are lingering thoughts, which have been initialized but aren't being actualized. Light is given off because these lingering thoughts having nowhere to go are transformed into the energy of light, which actualizes the active images of intention. In this way you find yourself building the temple within using the imagination to shape the walls of the temple. This active force of shaping then is reflected into the outer world in the same way.
     Achieve the power of happy by the associations you ascend to in finding your light. Then once there the operation is quickened by your gentle focus, which shines in at the edges and then steps aside as the light is revealed in its own way. This process is both aligned by the will or intention and then harmonized with the One will which is what has drawn us forward into this area of meditation. The One Will operates always freely. Our own will is forever seeking this One Will to harmonize with. It is an operation characterized by our conscious direction and then once we are in the neighborhood or aligned with the One Will, we let go and let God determine the results. It is our mold, which we've placed into this One Will. This merging with the One Will can then only strengthen our mold. The results always will turn out better when we follow these steps within. Especially at the outer edges of manifestation where we are in contact with the forms being produced by this combination of bringing our thoughts into focus and letting go into the One Will.
     The only movement our minds can ever know is this transformation of energy through the successive upgrade in the ideas, which are forming within. These ideas gain strength through mutual attraction and rise up into the levels of the absolute where they are transmuted into the forms which then appear to reflect our meditations. We build our holy temple within everyday by our efforts at right thought and right action. We let our minds direct the river of thought into the ocean of feelings, which then overflow forming new tributaries, which are a mix of both ocean and river. It is this mix, which then becomes enshrined in holiness as the fires of creation symbolized by inspiration carry us forward into the worlds into which we have intended our being to move through. In this temple we rejoice or add or positive feelings to this flow which promotes the momentum of our holiness within.
     When we use the lens of mind to read through passages such as these in the Bible we can cut through the ancient symbols and see the meanings of these divine writings. Since these passages were written from higher mind it is only fitting that they be interpreted using higher mind in its context of today's language. Then we can gain the benefit of practical instructions for approaching, communing and becoming one with our creator within. No secrets need keep us away. We do not have to use any interpreters of scripture either to arrive at our holiness within. It is all there for any person to make this magical journey safely and with reason to come back with the feelings of holiness and the true knowing of our voice within.
      In summary the Mishkan that was built according to complicated instructions turns out to be a reminder for us to be just as circumspect with our own inner temple, the place where all of our thoughts live together. By providing direction, focused energy, and a spirit of letting go, we are able to construct this very same temple for the same purpose. This is your communion with the eternal on a daily familiar basis. Nothing can ever take the place of this kind of experience. It is our heritage to be connected in this way. It is our future to be determined by these paths of wisdom that we take within. It is our responsibility to take the first and the last steps.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Here that I am happening.

It is here that I am happening the surrounding flows lift me up and take into the worlds that I have envisioned. All round me I feeling the subtle essences moves and shift through time and space to effect the changes in my world to complete my transformation from here to there. This place I see through and see the solid reality of my chosen way of being. I am directed in this surely from on high. The words move as thoughts flow freely into manifestation. Everything is setup for this moment and then the next moment. The currents in consciousness placed just so as equilibrium is achieved. I move steadily out of here by the minute as I realize the inventions that I have been setting forth all along. It used to be that the inbetween places were filled with waiting and uncertainty but now these inbetween places are becoming full with certainty making every subsequent visualization easier and easier to focus upon and bring into being.

Sooner rather than later

It is sooner rather than later that I see the results of my sending forth. This sending forth links up with all other sendings forth throughout the entire span of my sending forth. In this way the powerful action is quickened into the manifestation of the energy of my making. It is continuous which is why I am able to concentrate upon this at will during any part of the day. My mind is calm in these awakenings because the fulfillment I seek builds itself all around me.

Eternal Beining

I am here and I am now. My good I send before me meeting up with it by the way. It tells me of my good and that it is good. In this way I sustain the truth of my success in all areas of my life. My mind in its intention acts like a drop in the lake sending out ripples in the mind stuff which always return after reflecting off of the shore. It is in that reflection that I rejoice in myself because these waters are clear through to the eternal being that I am.

Promote thought

I promote thought by becoming thought. It moves ahead of me in response to my sending it forth. Then in one of life's deepest mysteries I meet that thought along the way and it feeds me of my own sending.

Promote thought

I promote thought by becoming thought. It moves ahead of me in response to my sending it forth. Then in one of life's deepest mysteries I meet that thought along the way and it feeds me of my own sending.

Space and Time

     Do not accept the artificial boundaries of space and time. See through the one and make the other your own by focusing on now there is..........
     I have found myself inside of myself. This discovery leads to all of the upper levels of communication. This is where your thoughts are bound when creation is always a part of you. The totality of your being exists to work its way through you and by you. Above you is the greatness that is all.
     Use the consciousness of your intention to highlight the areas of upper awareness bringing them into your manifest being. Once there continue to rise above and focus the returning attention as it reflects now off of the images of your vision.
     Everything is working for you now in this moment. Attune yourself to completion, success and well being.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Focused thought and active emotion

Focused thought and active emotion combined the energy of making with the energy of transcendence. This is how forms are quickened into view. An in depth analysis will show that as the level of excitement grows the thoughts turn into the forms of the imagination. The solid appearance of these forms takes place along the entire range of consciousness.

Move into the next place to be

Use your mind to move into the next place you want to be

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