Bahir Verse 179
The mystical heart of Kabbalah is seen through the lens of many veils uncovering at each pass the hidden treasures beneath. It is time to start making those quantum leaps we hear tell about in spirituality.
179. We learned that there are Ten Spheres and Ten Sayings. Each Sphere has its Saying. It is not surrounded by it, but rather, it surrounds it. This [physical] world is like a mustard seed inside a ring. Why? Because of the Spirit that blows upon it, through which it is sustained. If this spirit were to be interrupted for even a moment, the world would be annihilated.
Commentary: From Genesis here are the ten sayings.
From the Sepher Yetzirah
Verse 4. Ten is the number of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Understand this wisdom, and be wise by the perception. Search out concerning it, restore the Word to its creator, and replace Him who formed it upon his throne.
Verse 5. The Ten ineffable Sephiroth have ten vast regions bound unto them; boundless in origin and having no ending; an abyss of good and of ill;measureless height and depth; boundless to the East and the West; boundless to the North and South; and the Lord the only God, the Faithful King rules all these from his holy seat, for ever and ever.
What have we penetrated here? What is the connection between these symbolic images and our lives?
First of all we cannot continue to parcel out our certainty. The totality of the universe is you. This is an immense proclamation. EVERYTHING THAT ISSUES FORTH FROM YOU IS AS A RESULT OF YOU.
Look at these ten sayings and then apply them to yourself. Make them a part of you by referencing that which is within you. See how your thoughts may take the spiritual shape of these ten sayings and then understand that everything you see symbolically portrayed is but a shorthand for the way that you are thinking about yourself. Relate everything back to the center of yourself. Build your castles and dreams from within. Nothing gets to you except that it must go through you. Raise your thoughts therefore on high inside of the place where you would have yourself spend your days in peace.
What is the mustard seed inside of the ring? It is the growth of all that surrounds from an initial inspiration. The ring represents the totality of power available to you in the universe. It is singular and connection directly to you via your soul. It is one with you encompassing you taking on the shape of you and yes as the ninth saying says it is in the image of you.
Everything that is in Heaven and Earth, Aretz and Hashamayim. Establish yourself in your home. Feel it all around you. This is where you live.
Make what is happening to you a result of what you are choosing to spend your time thinking on and about. What is this Spirit that is blowing upon it through which it is sustained? It is the spirit of your intention that is operational in every moment regardless of your attention. If you however, pay attention then you will begin to experience results that are in line with your intention that being fixed by attention no longer wavers but is true to its own heart of being. This is the same spirit that is called your imagination except that spiritual imagination is the most potent force in the universe. It is what sustains the very world in which we live. Of course this spiritual imagination can never be annihilated because is is the sum total of all that is unencompassable yet truly all sustaining in its influences throughout the multiuniverses.
Let us then take a look at these ten sayings and uncover more connections to the center of our being.
First there must be inspiration a will to act to do and then to discover. Out of this driving impulse the act of creation is born in order to of course express itself. This expression then takes the form of those thoughts that are unified above meaning the theoretical and those thoughts which are unified below meaning the actual or actualized expression. This then becomes or is brought into perfection as Kether or the crown of Creation.
Once this process begins the unity between the theoretical and the actual is joined and that dear friends is sum total of existence. It is the Wisdom of the Tree of Life called Chokmah. It is the know how or the ability to perpetuate the experience of knowing how to create something out of nothing.
Upon this rock I will build my church. Inside of my consciousness will I become that which I have envisioned. Once I start this process I know that it will continue effortlessly through the sequence of life. It will in fact form a template for my every expression now of these and like minded ideas. It is in fact the drawing board out of which comes every thing else that is flowing therefore into form. Look at this sphere called Binah and recognize that one thought produces several like thoughts that combine themselves into a matrix of creation.
Everything flows into being through stages and these stages mirror one another. These waters that flow are the waters of mercy called Chesed. They mirror Binah or the firmament in that the matrix of Binah is reflected in the flowing pulsing being that is Chesed. One above the other taking and giving still bound in unity forever.
And now the coup de grace (coup de grass - sorry about that couldn't help it) as the first signs of life are born into and inside of our awareness. These life signs, this grass is called by the sphere of Gevurah. It is an example of narrowing our focus as in: When God said, 'Let there be a firmament,' the world kept stretching and expanding, until God said, 'Enough!' and it came to a standstill. (Chagiga 12a) In order to express the totality of a thing we need to see it in all of its detail. Gevurah here provide that detail and acts then as the mold to render our creative imagination into tangible form. This sphere or saying represents restriction in terms of choosing to think about only what you wish to experience.
Life is constantly in motion however the inspiration which nourishes life is constantly shining in the form of the countless inspirations that dot the heart of our spiritual skies. Call into action this sphere of Tipheret and witness the beauty of revelation. This revelation is the realization of the unity of being reflected in the heavens above called the firmation shining through to us as reminders of what and where everything including the entirely of our being comes from.
These are the waters below as in And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. Here the letters of life spiral up and down the Tree of Life in all dimensions given their marching orders so to speak from the original intention or inspiration. Now out of the matrix of thought the living letters form themselves into the lifeforms of ideation and formation. These waters referenced here may be called Netzach because they are the fulfillment of a vision and the precursor for the next reflective phase of creation.
Here is that next phase a further development mirroring the previous sphere shown in Netzach. In this sphere or saying the entire creation has become permeated with inspiration. G-d is in everything and must therefore express G-d in everything. Call this sphere Hod for the imagination and insight that may now be passed from above to below and then begin its upwards journey. It is the splendor of a plan coming to fruition.
Now we may begin the upwards return when we image that which has created through direct intention making the creation itself responsive to the power of reflection. Call this one Foundation because once established our thoughts will by their very inherent nature begin to reproduce their own reflections, these reflections having the same directive promotive force of the original intention. Our image refers to that which has been created then carries on the process of creation by direct intention. This then is the very Foundation of our world and acts as the earth upon which the entire creation is continued.
Differentiation is the flavoring of creation representing the various ways everyone has of making their worlds in the images or visualizations they have learned to produce. This sphere is Kingdom or the meeting place of the consciousness of one level in comparison to another level. Kingdom is where we blossom grow and transform.
Here is that very transformation. Having lived through the Tree of Life the Tree of Knowledge beckons through this Sephiroth, Dath representing a dimensional shift as we move inside or into the various levels of transformation that are endless above and below.
Wanted to tell you thank you for the inspirational readings... your music is divine - very soothing - it touches the memories within that in the past ehoed Beauty and Creation..... Edens Gates shimmer in the notes ....may you continue your good works......Blessings
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