The choice is yours each moment. That is the most difficult to understand and to take responsibility for. It is easiest to be on autopilot and let the world do you. When this happens however the inertia of time begins to weigh on the psyche and thoughts deteriorate without any light from within. Thughts then turn on themselves seeking to devour each other in an effort to prolong their existence, borrowing energy from each other until all are pulled down into steadily decreasing arcs of thought forms. It is here that the light, or the holy spirit must be actively called upon to promote the new thought forms which will eliminate the negative energy and promote and upward more fulfilled spiral of self renewing thought.
Thought Into Form
What is full consciousness? It is knowing that you are part of a unified field. This field contains both your thoughts and the forms of their manifestation. Here I discuss the way everything works and how to apply these principles in our daily life. I refer to Kabbalah, Torah, Zohar, Bahir, New Thought, short stories and affirmations to illustrate this unified field of thought and form. The best is yet to come. Thanks for stopping by. Mark Siet - Author
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