Thursday, January 11, 2007

Here is this weeks Parsha Shemot.
Change the world by changing your mind one universe at a time. Our modern perceptual constructs still cling to the old world divisions of separation thinking that physical reality has to be overcome by physical solutions. It is after all the mind set that must be changed, however this process is elusive. How this may be accomplished relies upon the unitary principle of connection with Hashem.

One man making that connection is all that is needed. The true challenge of our times is to open our minds in such a way as to make this possible in the same way on a football field the offensive blockers open up the way for that lone runner to achieve the goal post at the opposite end of the field. I cannot stress enough the limited capacity for change when working solely in Assiah or the world of effects. Time which is the motivator of progress can only be dematerialized within the higher levels. Some might say that thinking in this manner is simply pipe dreaming, however now is the time for the generation of Sinai of which we baby boomers represent to come to the fore with our remembrance of the Garden of Eden reality consciousness.
It might be considered to be strange that the root of our solutions should lie at the root ofour faith, the single most important moment in all of Torah, Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh in response to Moses query in this weeks Parshah Shemos. 'I am that I am or the extension of this being I will be what I will be and I always was.
Therein is Time nullified and all power brought to bear on any and every situation that may present itself including the current on involving 'escalation.'
This is the central core of this Parsha and perhaps the seed thought that brings us once again into the reality of Gan Eden. Let's look at the symbols. The children of Jacob all reside now in Egypt. Jacob
represents the idea of connection with Hashem which he earned the right to takepart in via his actions here on earth and his actions through prayer above most notably his struggle with the angel resulting in the blessings that are promised to him. These blessings are eternal and only need the right soil so to speak in which to spring forth. That soil is prepared by the darkness of Mitzraim which fertilizes the waiting blessings like no other medium could. All seeds spring forth in darkness responding to moisture, the season and the ever present light.
A new King arises in Egypt. Curious here that it isn't called Pharaoh but a Melech Chadash. This King symbolizes the mind set that victimizes Israel. Pharaoh symbolizes their affliction as their chief taskmaster. You see it is always the task driven cultures that lose sight of Hashem. Israel was kept busy, too busy it would seem for any of their number to figure out the ancient wisdom that lay waiting inside of them for their redeemer.
Moses is placed upon the waters symbolizing the moisture necessary for the germination of any seed.
Moses is nursed by his true mother and raised by Pharaoh's daughter. Forget the Ten Commandments movie story with Moses going around with his brother Ramses. Great story but misleading for the purposes of higher wisdom. Pharaoh's daughter represents the light that can never be extinguished even in the depths of Mitzraim where the unseen hand has its way showing compassion to those who might have thought themselves lost.
Moses first comes on to the scene witnessing the harsh treatment of his brethren. We have to assume by this time that he knows about his heritage and his first act is to slay an Egyptian. Moses has taken the first step in liberating Israel. What does this mean? Egypt represents the way of chaos that is for the time being keeping Israel in darkness. Israel does not realize its own inner light and what Moses does is to remove one hindrance to that light. What does he kill? He kills the thought of oppression that prevents us from rising higher within ourselves to connect with Hashem. Moses represents our own inner ability to overcome our doubts and ultimately 'the bread of shame' that keeps us from being connected via a clear channel to Hashem all the time. More on this later.
Israel represents all of those thoughts of liberation, creativity, freedom, connection and unity that was passed on from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob via the blessings that all received from Elohim or the higher power of
consciousness. Moses must flee from darkness at this point or risk becoming enveloped by it as the people Israel are not ready to unify with him and their own destiny. Where does he go? He arrives in Midian.
Midian was the fourth son of Abraham by Keturah (Abraham's wife after Sarah's death, Gen. 25:1-6). In Hebrew Midian means strife. Moses comes here because he finds himself in a spiritual crisis. He is halfway in his understanding in a no mans land poised between the strife of indecision and the yearning for definitive answers. Here in Midian he finds himself with descendants of Abraham. He is met by the seven daughters of the priest of Midian symbolizing the Tree of Life from Chesed through Malchus. It is through Reuel who carries a portion of the secret knowledge that Moses will be drawn to Sinai. This is evidenced in the transformation of Reuel into Jethro. Reuel translates as 'friend of God' in Hebrew while Jethro translates close to 'wealth, riches, abundance.' This transformation in names here illustrates how Moses has grown in his understanding of G-d. He goes from 'so to speak' a friend of a friend (of G-d) to being imbued with the richness of the understanding that Jethro is able to impart to him. It is Jethro who prepares him for his upcoming spiritual journey.
At last Moses goes up to the mountain of G-d while keeping his flock. The inner man seeks the higher wisdom keeping his thoughts on high (his flock) or in a calm meditative state of mind. The angel of G-d appears in the burning bush. Moses has a spiritual revelation. The bush that burns is symbolic of the higher wisdom he has now encountered full on for the first time. It is also the Shekinah sent to act as intermediary between man and Elohim. He seeks to find the meaning of this mystery and approaches closer but is told to take his shoes off for this is holy ground. What this means is that he must leave his lower thoughts behind in the presence of this higher wisdom. When Hashem speaks Moses is frightened and hides his face. The higher wisdom cannot be encountered (understood) directly but must be shielded from our minds eye because of its dazzling light as allegories are explained to show a deeper meaning of things. This comprehension must come in its own time.
Hashem is the connection that Moses makes within. It is the inner voice raised to exaltation or the pure channel of inspiration. Elohim wants to send Moses to deliver his people. Moses seeking within must confront his doubts symbolized by his oppressed people or his thoughts that he has lived with for all these years. The higher inner voice or Hashem is showing Moses the way to lead those thoughts of righteousness which represents Israel out from under the bondage of materialistic based thinking. Once Hashem or the inner higher counsel of Moses convinces him that he must go back and save his people Moses takes his leave of Jethro and departs with Zipporah and his children. At this point a very interesting incident takes place. Hashem tells Moses that in spite of all the wonders he performs for Pharaoh to convince him to let Moses people go, Pharaoh will not relent, his heart will be hardened by Hashem. Then Moses is to tell Pharaoh that this people are like a first born son to him and that because Pharaoh has refused to let this people go Hashem will slay the first born of Pharaoh or of Pharaoh's people. There is only one way out of Egypt and that is the total denial of doubt or the slaying of that first inkling of doubt whenever it arises in the mind. This Pharaoh of Egypt is tied to the evil inclination that is holding its sway over Israel. Moses must do battle then with the deepest parts of his psyche in order to gain the freedom for the rest of his mind and soul called Israel.
Moses is not completely convinced either however because Hashem seeks to kill him and is only stopped when Zipporah circumsizes their son. She says to Moses that he is the bridegroom of blood on account of the circumcision. Moses was an Egyptian and would not have been circumsized. Therefore his sons would not have been circumsized either. Why does Zipporah suddenly figure out that the way to appease Hashem is through the circumcision of her son? The key to this curious incident lies in her words to Moses. She calls him the 'bridegroom of blood.' Until that very moment Moses wasn't sure that he would carry out the instructions of Hashem. He heard the voice but did not integrate it inside of his soul, inside the blood as it were. He did not cleave to Hashem and therefore ran the risk of losing this connection established on high.
Zipporah recognizes this by shocking Moses out of his doubt by making her children a part of the covenant. Now Moses must not only save Israel but he must save his children as well who are now marked as being part of the covenant of Israel.
Moses only then becomes convinced that through this connection to Hashem will he save the oppressed of Israel meaning those thoughts that have shied away from connection in the past. He begins to build certainty within and even when assailed by the doubts of the people, his resolve is strengthened by his continuous connection with Hashem.
The whole purpose of this exercise is to show us the unification that may take place within given the common center of Hashem. Hashem linked to Elohim brings about that holy conversation which opens the doors of Binah flowing through to Chesed illuminating every area of our consciousness resulting in the correction of Israel (the sum total of all consciousness seeking unity).
In next weeks Parsha the mystery of the first born will be explained. Until then Good Shabbos.


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